Search Results for author: Chen Yan

Found 15 papers, 3 papers with code

Achieving O(1/N) Optimality Gap in Restless Bandits through Diffusion Approximation

no code implementations19 Oct 2024 Chen Yan, Weina Wang, Lei Ying

We study the finite horizon Restless Multi-Armed Bandit (RMAB) problem with $N$ homogeneous arms, focusing on the challenges posed by degenerate RMABs, which are prevalent in practical applications.

PhantomLiDAR: Cross-modality Signal Injection Attacks against LiDAR

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Zizhi Jin, Qinhong Jiang, Xuancun Lu, Chen Yan, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu

Our insight is that the internal modules of a LiDAR, i. e., the laser receiving circuit, the monitoring sensors, and the beam-steering modules, even with strict electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, can still couple with the IEMI attack signals and result in the malfunction of LiDAR systems.

Autonomous Driving

SafeEar: Content Privacy-Preserving Audio Deepfake Detection

1 code implementation14 Sep 2024 Xinfeng Li, Kai Li, Yifan Zheng, Chen Yan, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu

To overcome the challenge of identifying diverse deepfake audio without semantic clues, we enhance our deepfake detector with real-world codec augmentation.

Audio Deepfake Detection DeepFake Detection +4

Understanding Impacts of Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks on Object Detection

no code implementations23 Jul 2024 Youqian Zhang, Chunxi Yang, Eugene Y. Fu, Qinhong Jiang, Chen Yan, Sze-Yiu Chau, Grace Ngai, Hong-Va Leong, Xiapu Luo, Wenyuan Xu

Object detection can localize and identify objects in images, and it is extensively employed in critical multimedia applications such as security surveillance and autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Object +2

SafeGen: Mitigating Sexually Explicit Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models

1 code implementation10 Apr 2024 Xinfeng Li, Yuchen Yang, Jiangyi Deng, Chen Yan, Yanjiao Chen, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu

Text-to-image (T2I) models, such as Stable Diffusion, have exhibited remarkable performance in generating high-quality images from text descriptions in recent years.

Intra-agent speech permits zero-shot task acquisition

no code implementations7 Jun 2022 Chen Yan, Federico Carnevale, Petko Georgiev, Adam Santoro, Aurelia Guy, Alistair Muldal, Chia-Chun Hung, Josh Abramson, Timothy Lillicrap, Gregory Wayne

Human language learners are exposed to a trickle of informative, context-sensitive language, but a flood of raw sensory data.

Image Captioning

Private Eye: On the Limits of Textual Screen Peeking via Eyeglass Reflections in Video Conferencing

no code implementations8 May 2022 Yan Long, Chen Yan, Shilin Xiao, Shivan Prasad, Wenyuan Xu, Kevin Fu

Our models and experimental results in a controlled lab setting show it is possible to reconstruct and recognize with over 75% accuracy on-screen texts that have heights as small as 10 mm with a 720p webcam.

4k Multi-Frame Super-Resolution

Rolling Colors: Adversarial Laser Exploits against Traffic Light Recognition

no code implementations6 Apr 2022 Chen Yan, Zhijian Xu, Zhanyuan Yin, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu

By exploiting the rolling shutter of CMOS sensors, we manage to inject a color stripe overlapped on the traffic light in the image, which can cause a red light to be recognized as a green light or vice versa.

Autonomous Driving

Tell me why!—Explanations support learning relational and causal structure

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Andrew Kyle Lampinen, Nicholas Andrew Roy, Ishita Dasgupta, Stephanie C.Y. Chan, Allison Tam, Chen Yan, Adam Santoro, Neil Charles Rabinowitz, Jane X Wang, Felix Hill

Explanations play a considerable role in human learning, especially in areas that remain major challenges for AI—forming abstractions, and learning about the relational and causal structure of the world.

Odd One Out

Exponential Convergence Rate for the Asymptotic Optimality of Whittle Index Policy

no code implementations16 Dec 2020 Nicolas Gast, Bruno Gaujal, Chen Yan

In this paper we show that, under the same conditions, the convergence rate is exponential in the number of bandits, unless the fixed point is singular (to be defined later).

Performance Optimization and Control Probability

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