Search Results for author: Chen Zeno

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

How do Minimum-Norm Shallow Denoisers Look in Function Space?

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Chen Zeno, Greg Ongie, Yaniv Blumenfeld, Nir Weinberger, Daniel Soudry

Neural network (NN) denoisers are an essential building block in many common tasks, ranging from image reconstruction to image generation.

Image Generation Image Reconstruction

Why Cold Posteriors? On the Suboptimal Generalization of Optimal Bayes Estimates

no code implementations pproximateinference AABI Symposium 2021 Chen Zeno, Itay Golan, Ari Pakman, Daniel Soudry

Recent works have shown that the predictive accuracy of Bayesian deep learning models exhibit substantial improvements when the posterior is raised to a 1/T power with T<1.

Deep Learning

Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes with Fixed-Point Updates

1 code implementation1 Oct 2020 Chen Zeno, Itay Golan, Elad Hoffer, Daniel Soudry

The optimal Bayesian solution for this requires an intractable online Bayes update to the weights posterior.

Continual Learning

Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes

2 code implementations27 Mar 2018 Chen Zeno, Itay Golan, Elad Hoffer, Daniel Soudry

However, research for scenarios in which task boundaries are unknown during training has been lacking.

Continual Learning

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