Search Results for author: Chenchen Zhu

Found 25 papers, 12 papers with code

Gen2Det: Generate to Detect

no code implementations7 Dec 2023 Saksham Suri, Fanyi Xiao, Animesh Sinha, Sean Chang Culatana, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Chenchen Zhu, Abhinav Shrivastava

In the long-tailed detection setting on LVIS, Gen2Det improves the performance on rare categories by a large margin while also significantly improving the performance on other categories, e. g. we see an improvement of 2. 13 Box AP and 1. 84 Mask AP over just training on real data on LVIS with Mask R-CNN.

Image Generation Object +2

Diversify, Don't Fine-Tune: Scaling Up Visual Recognition Training with Synthetic Images

no code implementations4 Dec 2023 Zhuoran Yu, Chenchen Zhu, Sean Culatana, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Fanyi Xiao, Yong Jae Lee

We present a new framework leveraging off-the-shelf generative models to generate synthetic training images, addressing multiple challenges: class name ambiguity, lack of diversity in naive prompts, and domain shifts.

Diversity Domain Generalization +1

EfficientSAM: Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining for Efficient Segment Anything

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yunyang Xiong, Bala Varadarajan, Lemeng Wu, Xiaoyu Xiang, Fanyi Xiao, Chenchen Zhu, Xiaoliang Dai, Dilin Wang, Fei Sun, Forrest Iandola, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Vikas Chandra

On segment anything task such as zero-shot instance segmentation, our EfficientSAMs with SAMI-pretrained lightweight image encoders perform favorably with a significant gain (e. g., ~4 AP on COCO/LVIS) over other fast SAM models.

Decoder Image Classification +6

EgoObjects: A Large-Scale Egocentric Dataset for Fine-Grained Object Understanding

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Chenchen Zhu, Fanyi Xiao, Andres Alvarado, Yasmine Babaei, Jiabo Hu, Hichem El-Mohri, Sean Chang Culatana, Roshan Sumbaly, Zhicheng Yan

To bootstrap the research on EgoObjects, we present a suite of 4 benchmark tasks around the egocentric object understanding, including a novel instance level- and the classical category level object detection.

Continual Learning Object +2

Exploring Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation without Human Labels

no code implementations1 Jun 2023 Jun Chen, Deyao Zhu, Guocheng Qian, Bernard Ghanem, Zhicheng Yan, Chenchen Zhu, Fanyi Xiao, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Sean Chang Culatana

Although acquired extensive knowledge of visual concepts, it is non-trivial to exploit knowledge from these VL models to the task of semantic segmentation, as they are usually trained at an image level.

Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation +3

Going Denser with Open-Vocabulary Part Segmentation

2 code implementations ICCV 2023 Peize Sun, Shoufa Chen, Chenchen Zhu, Fanyi Xiao, Ping Luo, Saining Xie, Zhicheng Yan

In this paper, we propose a detector with the ability to predict both open-vocabulary objects and their part segmentation.

Object object-detection +3

Enhanced Training of Query-Based Object Detection via Selective Query Recollection

2 code implementations CVPR 2023 Fangyi Chen, Han Zhang, Kai Hu, Yu-Kai Huang, Chenchen Zhu, Marios Savvides

This paper investigates a phenomenon where query-based object detectors mispredict at the last decoding stage while predicting correctly at an intermediate stage.

Attribute Object +2

Unitail: Detecting, Reading, and Matching in Retail Scene

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Fangyi Chen, Han Zhang, Zaiwang Li, Jiachen Dou, Shentong Mo, Hao Chen, Yongxin Zhang, Uzair Ahmed, Chenchen Zhu, Marios Savvides

To make full use of computer vision technology in stores, it is required to consider the actual needs that fit the characteristics of the retail scene.

Benchmarking Dense Object Detection +2

Semantic Relation Reasoning for Shot-Stable Few-Shot Object Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Chenchen Zhu, Fangyi Chen, Uzair Ahmed, Zhiqiang Shen, Marios Savvides

In this work, we investigate utilizing this semantic relation together with the visual information and introduce explicit relation reasoning into the learning of novel object detection.

Few-Shot Object Detection Novel Object Detection +2

Solving Missing-Annotation Object Detection with Background Recalibration Loss

2 code implementations12 Feb 2020 Han Zhang, Fangyi Chen, Zhiqiang Shen, Qiqi Hao, Chenchen Zhu, Marios Savvides

In this paper, we introduce a superior solution called Background Recalibration Loss (BRL) that can automatically re-calibrate the loss signals according to the pre-defined IoU threshold and input image.

Object object-detection +1

Soft Anchor-Point Object Detection

2 code implementations ECCV 2020 Chenchen Zhu, Fangyi Chen, Zhiqiang Shen, Marios Savvides

In this work, we boost the performance of the anchor-point detector over the key-point counterparts while maintaining the speed advantage.

Dense Object Detection feature selection +2

Adversarial-Based Knowledge Distillation for Multi-Model Ensemble and Noisy Data Refinement

no code implementations22 Aug 2019 Zhiqiang Shen, Zhankui He, Wanyun Cui, Jiahui Yu, Yutong Zheng, Chenchen Zhu, Marios Savvides

In order to distill diverse knowledge from different trained (teacher) models, we propose to use adversarial-based learning strategy where we define a block-wise training loss to guide and optimize the predefined student network to recover the knowledge in teacher models, and to promote the discriminator network to distinguish teacher vs. student features simultaneously.

Knowledge Distillation Missing Labels

Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection

4 code implementations CVPR 2019 Chenchen Zhu, Yihui He, Marios Savvides

The general concept of the FSAF module is online feature selection applied to the training of multi-level anchor-free branches.

feature selection object-detection +1

Seeing Small Faces from Robust Anchor's Perspective

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Chenchen Zhu, Ran Tao, Khoa Luu, Marios Savvides

This paper introduces a novel anchor design to support anchor-based face detection for superior scale-invariant performance, especially on tiny faces.

Face Detection

Faster Than Real-time Facial Alignment: A 3D Spatial Transformer Network Approach in Unconstrained Poses

no code implementations ICCV 2017 Chandrasekhar Bhagavatula, Chenchen Zhu, Khoa Luu, Marios Savvides

We present our novel approach to simultaneously extract the 3D shape of the face and the semantically consistent 2D alignment through a 3D Spatial Transformer Network (3DSTN) to model both the camera projection matrix and the warping parameters of a 3D model.

Face Alignment

Reformulating Level Sets as Deep Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation12 Apr 2017 Ngan Le, Kha Gia Quach, Khoa Luu, Marios Savvides, Chenchen Zhu

To address these issues and boost the classic variational LS methods to a new level of the learnable deep learning approaches, we propose a novel definition of contour evolution named Recurrent Level Set (RLS)} to employ Gated Recurrent Unit under the energy minimization of a variational LS functional.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Towards a Deep Learning Framework for Unconstrained Face Detection

no code implementations16 Dec 2016 Yutong Zheng, Chenchen Zhu, Khoa Luu, Chandrasekhar Bhagavatula, T. Hoang Ngan Le, Marios Savvides

Robust face detection is one of the most important pre-processing steps to support facial expression analysis, facial landmarking, face recognition, pose estimation, building of 3D facial models, etc.

Face Detection Face Recognition +2

CMS-RCNN: Contextual Multi-Scale Region-based CNN for Unconstrained Face Detection

no code implementations17 Jun 2016 Chenchen Zhu, Yutong Zheng, Khoa Luu, Marios Savvides

Robust face detection in the wild is one of the ultimate components to support various facial related problems, i. e. unconstrained face recognition, facial periocular recognition, facial landmarking and pose estimation, facial expression recognition, 3D facial model construction, etc.

Face Detection Face Recognition +6

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