Search Results for author: Chendi Qian

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Towards graph neural networks for provably solving convex optimization problems

no code implementations4 Feb 2025 Chendi Qian, Christopher Morris

Recently, message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs) have shown potential for solving combinatorial and continuous optimization problems due to their ability to capture variable-constraint interactions.

Probabilistic Graph Rewiring via Virtual Nodes

1 code implementation27 May 2024 Chendi Qian, Andrei Manolache, Christopher Morris, Mathias Niepert

Message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs) have emerged as a powerful paradigm for graph-based machine learning.

Computational Efficiency

Exploring the Power of Graph Neural Networks in Solving Linear Optimization Problems

1 code implementation16 Oct 2023 Chendi Qian, Didier Chételat, Christopher Morris

Recently, machine learning, particularly message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs), has gained traction in enhancing exact optimization algorithms.

Combinatorial Optimization

Probabilistically Rewired Message-Passing Neural Networks

1 code implementation3 Oct 2023 Chendi Qian, Andrei Manolache, Kareem Ahmed, Zhe Zeng, Guy Van Den Broeck, Mathias Niepert, Christopher Morris

Message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs) emerged as powerful tools for processing graph-structured input.

Advancing Federated Learning in 6G: A Trusted Architecture with Graph-based Analysis

no code implementations11 Sep 2023 Wenxuan Ye, Chendi Qian, Xueli An, Xueqiang Yan, Georg Carle

Second, given the distributed nature and graph structure between clients and nodes in the pre-processing layer, GNN is leveraged to identify abnormal local models, enhancing system security.

Federated Learning Graph Neural Network +1

Influence-Based Mini-Batching for Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations18 Dec 2022 Johannes Gasteiger, Chendi Qian, Stephan Günnemann

Using graph neural networks for large graphs is challenging since there is no clear way of constructing mini-batches.

Graph Clustering

Ordered Subgraph Aggregation Networks

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Chendi Qian, Gaurav Rattan, Floris Geerts, Christopher Morris, Mathias Niepert

Numerous subgraph-enhanced graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged recently, provably boosting the expressive power of standard (message-passing) GNNs.

Locality-Based Mini Batching for Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Johannes Klicpera, Chendi Qian, Stephan Günnemann

Training graph neural networks on large graphs is challenging since there is no clear way of how to extract mini batches from connected data.

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