Search Results for author: Cheng Hou

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Efficient Multi-task Prompt Tuning for Recommendation

no code implementations30 Aug 2024 Ting Bai, Le Huang, Yue Yu, Cheng Yang, Cheng Hou, Zhe Zhao, Chuan Shi

A novel two-stage prompt-tuning MTL framework (MPT-Rec) is proposed to address task irrelevance and training efficiency problems in multi-task recommender systems.

Multi-Task Learning Recommendation Systems

Dynamic data sampler for cross-language transfer learning in large language models

1 code implementation17 May 2024 Yudong Li, Yuhao Feng, Wen Zhou, Zhe Zhao, Linlin Shen, Cheng Hou, Xianxu Hou

Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in the field of natural language processing (NLP) due to their wide range of applications.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

TencentPretrain: A Scalable and Flexible Toolkit for Pre-training Models of Different Modalities

3 code implementations13 Dec 2022 Zhe Zhao, Yudong Li, Cheng Hou, Jing Zhao, Rong Tian, Weijie Liu, Yiren Chen, Ningyuan Sun, Haoyan Liu, Weiquan Mao, Han Guo, Weigang Guo, Taiqiang Wu, Tao Zhu, Wenhang Shi, Chen Chen, Shan Huang, Sihong Chen, Liqun Liu, Feifei Li, Xiaoshuai Chen, Xingwu Sun, Zhanhui Kang, Xiaoyong Du, Linlin Shen, Kimmo Yan

The proposed pre-training models of different modalities are showing a rising trend of homogeneity in their model structures, which brings the opportunity to implement different pre-training models within a uniform framework.


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