Search Results for author: Chengjun Liu

Found 8 papers, 5 papers with code

Increasing Rosacea Awareness Among Population Using Deep Learning and Statistical Approaches

2 code implementations11 Nov 2024 Chengyu Yang, Chengjun Liu

To increase rosacea awareness, automatic rosacea detection methods using deep learning and explainable statistical approaches are presented in this paper.

Surge Phenomenon in Optimal Learning Rate and Batch Size Scaling

no code implementations23 May 2024 Shuaipeng Li, Penghao Zhao, Hailin Zhang, Xingwu Sun, Hao Wu, Dian Jiao, Weiyan Wang, Chengjun Liu, Zheng Fang, Jinbao Xue, Yangyu Tao, Bin Cui, Di Wang

First, we raise the scaling law between batch sizes and optimal learning rates in the sign of gradient case, in which we prove that the optimal learning rate first rises and then falls as the batch size increases.

Ammunition Component Classification Using Deep Learning

1 code implementation26 Aug 2022 Hadi Ghahremannezhad, Chengjun Liu, Hang Shi

The trained models are tested against unseen data in order to evaluate the performance of the applied method.

Classification Component Classification +3

Real-Time Accident Detection in Traffic Surveillance Using Deep Learning

1 code implementation12 Aug 2022 Hadi Ghahremannezhad, Hang Shi, Chengjun Liu

This paper presents a new efficient framework for accident detection at intersections for traffic surveillance applications.

Deep Learning Management +4

Persia: An Open, Hybrid System Scaling Deep Learning-based Recommenders up to 100 Trillion Parameters

1 code implementation10 Nov 2021 Xiangru Lian, Binhang Yuan, XueFeng Zhu, Yulong Wang, Yongjun He, Honghuan Wu, Lei Sun, Haodong Lyu, Chengjun Liu, Xing Dong, Yiqiao Liao, Mingnan Luo, Congfei Zhang, Jingru Xie, Haonan Li, Lei Chen, Renjie Huang, Jianying Lin, Chengchun Shu, Xuezhong Qiu, Zhishan Liu, Dongying Kong, Lei Yuan, Hai Yu, Sen yang, Ce Zhang, Ji Liu

Specifically, in order to ensure both the training efficiency and the training accuracy, we design a novel hybrid training algorithm, where the embedding layer and the dense neural network are handled by different synchronization mechanisms; then we build a system called Persia (short for parallel recommendation training system with hybrid acceleration) to support this hybrid training algorithm.

Recommendation Systems

Smart Traffic Monitoring System using Computer Vision and Edge Computing

no code implementations7 Sep 2021 Guanxiong Liu, Hang Shi, Abbas Kiani, Abdallah Khreishah, Jo Young Lee, Nirwan Ansari, Chengjun Liu, Mustafa Yousef

In this paper, we focus on two common traffic monitoring tasks, congestion detection, and speed detection, and propose a two-tier edge computing based model that takes into account of both the limited computing capability in cloudlets and the unstable network condition to the TMC.

Edge-computing Management

A Novel Locally Linear KNN Model for Visual Recognition

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Qing-Feng Liu, Chengjun Liu

And then the locally linear KNN model based classifier (LLKNNC), which shows its connection to the Bayes decision rule for minimum error in the view of kernel density estimation, is proposed for classification.

Action Recognition Density Estimation +5

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