Search Results for author: Chengliang Zhong

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

GaussianGrasper: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting for Open-vocabulary Robotic Grasping

1 code implementation14 Mar 2024 Yuhang Zheng, Xiangyu Chen, Yupeng Zheng, Songen Gu, Runyi Yang, Bu Jin, Pengfei Li, Chengliang Zhong, Zengmao Wang, Lina Liu, Chao Yang, Dawei Wang, Zhen Chen, Xiaoxiao Long, Meiqing Wang

In particular, we propose an Efficient Feature Distillation (EFD) module that employs contrastive learning to efficiently and accurately distill language embeddings derived from foundational models.

Contrastive Learning Robotic Grasping

MonoOcc: Digging into Monocular Semantic Occupancy Prediction

1 code implementation13 Mar 2024 Yupeng Zheng, Xiang Li, Pengfei Li, Yuhang Zheng, Bu Jin, Chengliang Zhong, Xiaoxiao Long, Hao Zhao, Qichao Zhang

However, existing methods rely on a complex cascaded framework with relatively limited information to restore 3D scenes, including a dependency on supervision solely on the whole network's output, single-frame input, and the utilization of a small backbone.

3D geometry Autonomous Vehicles

3D Implicit Transporter for Temporally Consistent Keypoint Discovery

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Chengliang Zhong, Yuhang Zheng, Yupeng Zheng, Hao Zhao, Li Yi, Xiaodong Mu, Ling Wang, Pengfei Li, Guyue Zhou, Chao Yang, Xinliang Zhang, Jian Zhao

To address this issue, the Transporter method was introduced for 2D data, which reconstructs the target frame from the source frame to incorporate both spatial and temporal information.

SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field

1 code implementation3 Jun 2022 Chengliang Zhong, Peixing You, Xiaoxue Chen, Hao Zhao, Fuchun Sun, Guyue Zhou, Xiaodong Mu, Chuang Gan, Wenbing Huang

Detecting 3D keypoints from point clouds is important for shape reconstruction, while this work investigates the dual question: can shape reconstruction benefit 3D keypoint detection?

Keypoint Detection

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