Search Results for author: Chengwei Hu

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Cycle Contrastive Adversarial Learning for Unsupervised image Deraining

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Chen Zhao, Weiling Cai, Chengwei Hu, Zheng Yuan

However, these methods often struggle to generate high-quality, rain-free images due to a lack of attention to semantic representation and image content, resulting in ineffective separation of content from the rain layer.

Contrastive Learning Generative Adversarial Network +2

Improving Continual Relation Extraction through Prototypical Contrastive Learning

no code implementations COLING 2022 Chengwei Hu, Deqing Yang, Haoliang Jin, Zhen Chen, Yanghua Xiao

Continual relation extraction (CRE) aims to extract relations towards the continuous and iterative arrival of new data, of which the major challenge is the catastrophic forgetting of old tasks.

Continual Relation Extraction Contrastive Learning +1

Refining Sample Embeddings with Relation Prototypes to Enhance Continual Relation Extraction

1 code implementation ACL 2021 Li Cui, Deqing Yang, Jiaxin Yu, Chengwei Hu, Jiayang Cheng, Jingjie Yi, Yanghua Xiao

As a typical task of continual learning, continual relation extraction (CRE) aims to extract relations between entities from texts, where the samples of different relations are delivered into the model continuously.

Continual Learning Continual Relation Extraction +1

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