1 code implementation • 10 Jan 2024 • Nanqing Liu, Xun Xu, Yongyi Su, Chengxin Liu, Peiliang Gong, Heng-Chao Li
Domain adaptation is crucial in aerial imagery, as the visual representation of these images can significantly vary based on factors such as geographic location, time, and weather conditions.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2023 • Chengxin Liu, Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Tongliang Liu
Such a querying process yields an intuitive, universal modeling of crowd as both the input and output are interpretable and steerable.
1 code implementation • CVPRW 2023 • Marcos V. Conde, Manuel Kolmet, Tim Seizinger, Tom E. Bishop, Radu Timofte, Xiangyu Kong, Dafeng Zhang, Jinlong Wu, Fan Wang, Juewen Peng, Zhiyu Pan, Chengxin Liu, Xianrui Luo, Huiqiang Sun, Liao Shen, Zhiguo Cao, Ke Xian, Chaowei Liu, Zigeng Chen, Xingyi Yang, Songhua Liu, Yongcheng Jing, Michael Bi Mi, Xinchao Wang, Zhihao Yang, Wenyi Lian, Siyuan Lai, Haichuan Zhang, Trung Hoang, Amirsaeed Yazdani, Vishal Monga, Ziwei Luo, Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Zheng Zhao, Jens Sjölund, Thomas B. Schön, Yuxuan Zhao, Baoliang Chen, Yiqing Xu, JiXiang Niu
We present the new Bokeh Effect Transformation Dataset (BETD), and review the proposed solutions for this novel task at the NTIRE 2023 Bokeh Effect Transformation Challenge.
1 code implementation • 20 Jul 2022 • Chengxin Liu, Kewei Wang, Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Ziming Zhang
As the crowd-sourcing labeling process and the ambiguities of the objects may raise noisy bounding box annotations, the object detectors will suffer from the degenerated training data.
1 code implementation • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2022 • Kewei Wang, Shuaiyuan Du, Chengxin Liu, Zhiguo Cao
Motivated by the fact that pixels from targets or backgrounds are correlated to each other, we propose a coarse-to-fine interior attention-aware network (IAANet) for infrared small target detection.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Min Shi, Hao Lu, Chen Feng, Chengxin Liu, Zhiguo Cao
In this work, we propose a similarity-aware CAC framework that jointly learns representation and similarity metric.
Ranked #4 on Object Counting on CARPK
3 code implementations • 7 Jan 2020 • Haipeng Xiong, Hao Lu, Chengxin Liu, Liang Liu, Chunhua Shen, Zhiguo Cao
Visual counting, a task that aims to estimate the number of objects from an image/video, is an open-set problem by nature, i. e., the number of population can vary in [0, inf) in theory.
5 code implementations • ICCV 2019 • Haipeng Xiong, Hao Lu, Chengxin Liu, Liang Liu, Zhiguo Cao, Chunhua Shen
A dense region can always be divided until sub-region counts are within the previously observed closed set.
Ranked #3 on Crowd Counting on TRANCOS