Search Results for author: Chenqian Yan

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

Hybrid SD: Edge-Cloud Collaborative Inference for Stable Diffusion Models

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Chenqian Yan, Songwei Liu, Hongjian Liu, Xurui Peng, Xiaojian Wang, Fangmin Chen, Lean Fu, Xing Mei

On the flip side, while there are many compact models tailored for edge devices that can reduce these demands, they often compromise on semantic integrity and visual quality when compared to full-sized SDMs.

Collaborative Inference Diversity +1

FoldGPT: Simple and Effective Large Language Model Compression Scheme

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Songwei Liu, Chao Zeng, Lianqiang Li, Chenqian Yan, Lean Fu, Xing Mei, Fangmin Chen

Based on this observation, we propose an efficient model volume compression strategy, termed FoldGPT, which combines block removal and block parameter sharing. This strategy consists of three parts: (1) Based on the learnable gating parameters, we determine the block importance ranking while modeling the coupling effect between blocks.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

Differentiable Search for Finding Optimal Quantization Strategy

no code implementations10 Apr 2024 Lianqiang Li, Chenqian Yan, Yefei Chen

To solve the issue, in this paper, we propose a differentiable quantization strategy search (DQSS) to assign optimal quantization strategy for individual layer by taking advantages of the benefits of different quantization algorithms.

Image Classification Image Super-Resolution +2

SparseByteNN: A Novel Mobile Inference Acceleration Framework Based on Fine-Grained Group Sparsity

no code implementations30 Oct 2023 Haitao Xu, Songwei Liu, Yuyang Xu, Shuai Wang, Jiashi Li, Chenqian Yan, Liangqiang Li, Lean Fu, Xin Pan, Fangmin Chen

Our framework consists of two parts: (a) A fine-grained kernel sparsity schema with a sparsity granularity between structured pruning and unstructured pruning.

Network Pruning

Privacy-preserving Online AutoML for Domain-Specific Face Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Chenqian Yan, Yuge Zhang, Quanlu Zhang, Yaming Yang, Xinyang Jiang, Yuqing Yang, Baoyuan Wang

Thanks to HyperFD, each local task (client) is able to effectively leverage the learning "experience" of previous tasks without uploading raw images to the platform; meanwhile, the meta-feature extractor is continuously learned to better trade off the bias and variance.

AutoML Face Detection +1

PAMS: Quantized Super-Resolution via Parameterized Max Scale

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Huixia Li, Chenqian Yan, Shaohui Lin, Xiawu Zheng, Yuchao Li, Baochang Zhang, Fan Yang, Rongrong Ji

Specifically, most state-of-the-art SR models without batch normalization have a large dynamic quantization range, which also serves as another cause of performance drop.

Quantization Super-Resolution +1

Interpretable Neural Network Decoupling

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Yuchao Li, Rongrong Ji, Shaohui Lin, Baochang Zhang, Chenqian Yan, Yongjian Wu, Feiyue Huang, Ling Shao

More specifically, we introduce a novel architecture controlling module in each layer to encode the network architecture by a vector.

Network Interpretation

Towards Optimal Structured CNN Pruning via Generative Adversarial Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Shaohui Lin, Rongrong Ji, Chenqian Yan, Baochang Zhang, Liujuan Cao, Qixiang Ye, Feiyue Huang, David Doermann

In this paper, we propose an effective structured pruning approach that jointly prunes filters as well as other structures in an end-to-end manner.

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