Search Results for author: Chenyang Yuan

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Bridging Design Gaps: A Parametric Data Completion Approach With Graph Guided Diffusion Models

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Rui Zhou, Chenyang Yuan, Frank Permenter, Yanxia Zhang, Nikos Arechiga, Matt Klenk, Faez Ahmed

This model functions as an AI design co-pilot, providing multiple design options for incomplete designs, which we demonstrate using the bicycle design CAD dataset.

Decision Making Graph Attention +1

Surrogate Modeling of Car Drag Coefficient with Depth and Normal Renderings

no code implementations26 May 2023 Binyang Song, Chenyang Yuan, Frank Permenter, Nikos Arechiga, Faez Ahmed

Generative AI models have made significant progress in automating the creation of 3D shapes, which has the potential to transform car design.

Image Generation

FewCLUE: A Chinese Few-shot Learning Evaluation Benchmark

1 code implementation15 Jul 2021 Liang Xu, Xiaojing Lu, Chenyang Yuan, Xuanwei Zhang, Huilin Xu, Hu Yuan, Guoao Wei, Xiang Pan, Xin Tian, Libo Qin, Hu Hai

While different learning schemes -- fine-tuning, zero-shot, and few-shot learning -- have been widely explored and compared for languages such as English, there is comparatively little work in Chinese to fairly and comprehensively evaluate and compare these methods and thus hinders cumulative progress.

Few-Shot Learning Machine Reading Comprehension +4

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