no code implementations • IWSLT (EMNLP) 2018 • Nguyen Bach, Hongjie Chen, Kai Fan, Cheung-Chi Leung, Bo Li, Chongjia Ni, Rong Tong, Pei Zhang, Boxing Chen, Bin Ma, Fei Huang
This work describes the En→De Alibaba speech translation system developed for the evaluation campaign of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) 2018.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2021 • Yingzhu Zhao, Chongjia Ni, Cheung-Chi Leung, Shafiq Joty, Eng Siong Chng, Bin Ma
For model adaptation, we use a novel gradual pruning method to adapt to target speakers without changing the model architecture, which to the best of our knowledge, has never been explored in ASR.
Automatic Speech Recognition
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
no code implementations • 10 Jun 2018 • Yougen Yuan, Cheung-Chi Leung, Lei Xie, Hongjie Chen, Bin Ma, Haizhou Li
We also find that it is important to have sufficient speech segment pairs to train the deep CNN for effective acoustic word embeddings.
no code implementations • MediaEval 2015 Workshop 2015 • Jingyong Hou, Van Tung Pham, Cheung-Chi Leung, Lei Wang, HaiHua Xu, Hang Lv, Lei Xie, Zhonghua Fu, Chongjia Ni, Xiong Xiao, Hongjie Chen, Shaofei Zhang, Sining Sun, Yougen Yuan, Pengcheng Li, Tin Lay Nwe, Sunil Sivadas, Bin Ma, Eng Siong Chng, Haizhou Li
This paper describes the system developed by the NNI team for the Query-by-Example Search on Speech Task (QUESST) in the MediaEval 2015 evaluation.
Ranked #9 on
Keyword Spotting
no code implementations • 16 Oct 2014 • Peng Yang, HaiHua Xu, Xiong Xiao, Lei Xie, Cheung-Chi Leung, Hongjie Chen, JIA YU, Hang Lv, Lei Wang, Su Jun Leow, Bin Ma, Eng Siong Chng, Haizhou Li
For both symbolic and DTW search, partial sequence matching is performed to reduce missing rate, especially for query type 2 and 3.
Ranked #6 on
Keyword Spotting