Search Results for author: Chih-hsiang Li

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Digital Avatars: Framework Development and Their Evaluation

no code implementations7 Aug 2024 Timothy Rupprecht, Sung-En Chang, Yushu Wu, Lei Lu, Enfu Nan, Chih-hsiang Li, Caiyue Lai, Zhimin Li, Zhijun Hu, Yumei He, David Kaeli, Yanzhi Wang

To better quantify how our prompting strategy affects anthropomorphic features like humor, authenticity, and favorability we present Crowd Vote - an adaptation of Crowd Score that allows for judges to elect a large language model (LLM) candidate over competitors answering the same or similar prompts.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

EdgeQAT: Entropy and Distribution Guided Quantization-Aware Training for the Acceleration of Lightweight LLMs on the Edge

1 code implementation16 Feb 2024 Xuan Shen, Zhenglun Kong, Changdi Yang, Zhaoyang Han, Lei Lu, Peiyan Dong, Cheng Lyu, Chih-hsiang Li, Xuehang Guo, Zhihao Shu, Wei Niu, Miriam Leeser, Pu Zhao, Yanzhi Wang

In this paper, we propose EdgeQAT, the Entropy and Distribution Guided QAT for the optimization of lightweight LLMs to achieve inference acceleration on Edge devices.


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