Search Results for author: Chong Huang

Found 10 papers, 1 papers with code

Learning Prototype via Placeholder for Zero-shot Recognition

1 code implementation29 Jul 2022 Zaiquan Yang, Yang Liu, Wenjia Xu, Chong Huang, Lei Zhou, Chao Tong

Specifically, we combine seen classes to hallucinate new classes which play as placeholders of the unseen classes in the visual and semantic space.

Zero-Shot Learning

Hidden Technical Debts for Fair Machine Learning in Financial Services

no code implementations18 Mar 2021 Chong Huang, Arash Nourian, Kevin Griest

To identify hidden technical debts that exist in building fair ML system for Fintech, we focus on key pipeline stages including data preparation, model development, system monitoring and integration in production.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Fairness

One-Shot Imitation Filming of Human Motion Videos

no code implementations23 Dec 2019 Chong Huang, Yuanjie Dang, Peng Chen, Xin Yang, Kwang-Ting, Cheng

Imitation learning has been applied to mimic the operation of a human cameraman in several autonomous cinematography systems.

Imitation Learning Style Transfer

Generating Fair Universal Representations using Adversarial Models

no code implementations27 Sep 2019 Peter Kairouz, Jiachun Liao, Chong Huang, Maunil Vyas, Monica Welfert, Lalitha Sankar

We present a data-driven framework for learning fair universal representations (FUR) that guarantee statistical fairness for any learning task that may not be known a priori.

Fairness Human Activity Recognition

Learning to Film From Professional Human Motion Videos

no code implementations CVPR 2019 Chong Huang, Chuan-En Lin, Zhenyu Yang, Yan Kong, Peng Chen, Xin Yang, Kwang-Ting Cheng

In this study, we propose a learning-based framework which incorporates the video contents and previous camera motions to predict the future camera motions that enable the capture of professional videos.

Generative Adversarial Models for Learning Private and Fair Representations

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Chong Huang, Xiao Chen, Peter Kairouz, Lalitha Sankar, Ram Rajagopal

We present Generative Adversarial Privacy and Fairness (GAPF), a data-driven framework for learning private and fair representations of the data.


Generative Adversarial Privacy

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Chong Huang, Peter Kairouz, Xiao Chen, Lalitha Sankar, Ram Rajagopal

We present a data-driven framework called generative adversarial privacy (GAP).

Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Privacy

no code implementations26 Oct 2017 Chong Huang, Peter Kairouz, Xiao Chen, Lalitha Sankar, Ram Rajagopal

On the one hand, context-free privacy solutions, such as differential privacy, provide strong privacy guarantees, but often lead to a significant reduction in utility.

Local Feature Descriptor Learning with Adaptive Siamese Network

no code implementations16 Jun 2017 Chong Huang, Qiong Liu, Yan-Ying Chen, Kwang-Ting, Cheng

Although the recent progress in the deep neural network has led to the development of learnable local feature descriptors, there is no explicit answer for estimation of the necessary size of a neural network.

Patch Matching

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