Search Results for author: Chong Teng

Found 17 papers, 8 papers with code

Revisiting Structured Sentiment Analysis as Latent Dependency Graph Parsing

no code implementations5 Jul 2024 Chengjie Zhou, Bobo Li, Hao Fei, Fei Li, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

In this paper, we treat the SSA task as a dependency parsing task on partially-observed dependency trees, regarding flat spans without determined tree annotations as latent subtrees to consider internal structures of spans.

Dependency Parsing Relation Prediction +1

Enhancing Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution by Discourse Structure and Semantic Information

1 code implementation23 Jun 2024 Qiang Gao, Bobo Li, Zixiang Meng, YunLong Li, Jun Zhou, Fei Li, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

Existing cross-document event coreference resolution models, which either compute mention similarity directly or enhance mention representation by extracting event arguments (such as location, time, agent, and patient), lacking the ability to utilize document-level information.

coreference-resolution Event Coreference Resolution

Modeling Unified Semantic Discourse Structure for High-quality Headline Generation

no code implementations23 Mar 2024 Minghui Xu, Hao Fei, Fei Li, Shengqiong Wu, Rui Sun, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

To consolidate the efficacy of S3 graphs, we further devise a hierarchical structure pruning mechanism to dynamically screen the redundant and nonessential nodes within the graph.

Abstract Meaning Representation Headline Generation +1

CMNER: A Chinese Multimodal NER Dataset based on Social Media

1 code implementation21 Feb 2024 Yuanze Ji, Bobo Li, Jun Zhou, Fei Li, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

Multimodal Named Entity Recognition (MNER) is a pivotal task designed to extract named entities from text with the support of pertinent images.

Miscellaneous named-entity-recognition +2

Reverse Multi-Choice Dialogue Commonsense Inference with Graph-of-Thought

1 code implementation23 Dec 2023 Li Zheng, Hao Fei, Fei Li, Bobo Li, Lizi Liao, Donghong Ji, Chong Teng

With the proliferation of dialogic data across the Internet, the Dialogue Commonsense Multi-choice Question Answering (DC-MCQ) task has emerged as a response to the challenge of comprehending user queries and intentions.

Question Answering

Compositional Generalization for Multi-label Text Classification: A Data-Augmentation Approach

1 code implementation18 Dec 2023 Yuyang Chai, Zhuang Li, Jiahui Liu, Lei Chen, Fei Li, Donghong Ji, Chong Teng

Our experiments show that this data augmentation approach significantly improves the compositional generalization capabilities of classification models on our benchmarks, with both generation models surpassing other text generation baselines.

Data Augmentation Multi Label Text Classification +3

A Bi-directional Multi-hop Inference Model for Joint Dialog Sentiment Classification and Act Recognition

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Li Zheng, Fei Li, Yuyang Chai, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

The joint task of Dialog Sentiment Classification (DSC) and Act Recognition (DAR) aims to predict the sentiment label and act label for each utterance in a dialog simultaneously.

Contrastive Learning feature selection +2

Revisiting Disentanglement and Fusion on Modality and Context in Conversational Multimodal Emotion Recognition

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Bobo Li, Hao Fei, Lizi Liao, Yu Zhao, Chong Teng, Tat-Seng Chua, Donghong Ji, Fei Li

On the other hand, during the feature fusion stage, we propose a Contribution-aware Fusion Mechanism (CFM) and a Context Refusion Mechanism (CRM) for multimodal and context integration, respectively.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement +2

DialogRE^C+: An Extension of DialogRE to Investigate How Much Coreference Helps Relation Extraction in Dialogs

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Yiyun Xiong, Mengwei Dai, Fei Li, Hao Fei, Bobo Li, Shengqiong Wu, Donghong Ji, Chong Teng

Dialogue relation extraction (DRE) that identifies the relations between argument pairs in dialogue text, suffers much from the frequent occurrence of personal pronouns, or entity and speaker coreference.

coreference-resolution Relation Extraction

ECQED: Emotion-Cause Quadruple Extraction in Dialogs

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Li Zheng, Donghong Ji, Fei Li, Hao Fei, Shengqiong Wu, Jingye Li, Bobo Li, Chong Teng

The existing emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE) task, unfortunately, ignores extracting the emotion type and cause type, while these fine-grained meta-information can be practically useful in real-world applications, i. e., chat robots and empathic dialog generation.

Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction

TOE: A Grid-Tagging Discontinuous NER Model Enhanced by Embedding Tag/Word Relations and More Fine-Grained Tags

1 code implementation1 Nov 2022 Jiang Liu, Donghong Ji, Jingye Li, Dongdong Xie, Chong Teng, Liang Zhao, Fei Li

Concretely, we construct tag representations and embed them into TREM, so that TREM can treat tag and word representations as queries/keys/values and utilize self-attention to model their relationships.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +2

Mastering the Explicit Opinion-role Interaction: Syntax-aided Neural Transition System for Unified Opinion Role Labeling

1 code implementation5 Oct 2021 Shengqiong Wu, Hao Fei, Fei Li, Donghong Ji, Meishan Zhang, Yijiang Liu, Chong Teng

Unified opinion role labeling (ORL) aims to detect all possible opinion structures of 'opinion-holder-target' in one shot, given a text.

 Ranked #1 on Fine-Grained Opinion Analysis on MPQA (F1 (Opinion) metric)

Fine-Grained Opinion Analysis

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