Search Results for author: Choongsang Cho

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Period Singer: Integrating Periodic and Aperiodic Variational Autoencoders for Natural-Sounding End-to-End Singing Voice Synthesis

no code implementations14 Jun 2024 Taewoo Kim, Choongsang Cho, Young Han Lee

To address this problem, we present the Period Singer architecture, which integrates variational autoencoders for the periodic and aperiodic components.

Singing Voice Synthesis Variational Inference

Neural Sign Language Translation based on Human Keypoint Estimation

no code implementations28 Nov 2018 Sang-Ki Ko, Chang Jo Kim, Hyedong Jung, Choongsang Cho

Using the KETI sign language dataset, we develop a neural network model for translating sign videos into natural language sentences by utilizing the human keypoints extracted from a face, hands, and body parts.

Keypoint Estimation Sign Language Translation +1

Distinctive-attribute Extraction for Image Captioning

no code implementations25 Jul 2018 Boeun Kim, Young Han Lee, Hyedong Jung, Choongsang Cho

Image captioning, an open research issue, has been evolved with the progress of deep neural networks.

Attribute Attribute Extraction +1

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