Search Results for author: Chris Cundy

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Planning in a recurrent neural network that plays Sokoban

2 code implementations22 Jul 2024 Mohammad Taufeeque, Philip Quirke, Maximilian Li, Chris Cundy, Aaron David Tucker, Adam Gleave, Adrià Garriga-Alonso

How a neural network (NN) generalizes to novel situations depends on whether it has learned to select actions heuristically or via a planning process.


SequenceMatch: Imitation Learning for Autoregressive Sequence Modelling with Backtracking

no code implementations8 Jun 2023 Chris Cundy, Stefano Ermon

This allows us to minimize a variety of divergences between the distribution of sequences generated by an autoregressive model and sequences from a dataset, including divergences with weight on OOD generated sequences.

Imitation Learning Text Generation

LMPriors: Pre-Trained Language Models as Task-Specific Priors

no code implementations22 Oct 2022 Kristy Choi, Chris Cundy, Sanjari Srivastava, Stefano Ermon

Particularly in low-data regimes, an outstanding challenge in machine learning is developing principled techniques for augmenting our models with suitable priors.

Causal Inference Common Sense Reasoning +4

Beyond Bayes-optimality: meta-learning what you know you don't know

no code implementations30 Sep 2022 Jordi Grau-Moya, Grégoire Delétang, Markus Kunesch, Tim Genewein, Elliot Catt, Kevin Li, Anian Ruoss, Chris Cundy, Joel Veness, Jane Wang, Marcus Hutter, Christopher Summerfield, Shane Legg, Pedro Ortega

This is in contrast to risk-sensitive agents, which additionally exploit the higher-order moments of the return, and ambiguity-sensitive agents, which act differently when recognizing situations in which they lack knowledge.

Decision Making Meta-Learning

BCD Nets: Scalable Variational Approaches for Bayesian Causal Discovery

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Chris Cundy, Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon

We propose Bayesian Causal Discovery Nets (BCD Nets), a variational inference framework for estimating a distribution over DAGs characterizing a linear-Gaussian SEM.

Causal Discovery Stochastic Optimization +1

IQ-Learn: Inverse soft-Q Learning for Imitation

5 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Divyansh Garg, Shuvam Chakraborty, Chris Cundy, Jiaming Song, Matthieu Geist, Stefano Ermon

In many sequential decision-making problems (e. g., robotics control, game playing, sequential prediction), human or expert data is available containing useful information about the task.

Atari Games Continuous Control +4

Privacy-Constrained Policies via Mutual Information Regularized Policy Gradients

no code implementations30 Dec 2020 Chris Cundy, Rishi Desai, Stefano Ermon

We consider the task of training a policy that maximizes reward while minimizing disclosure of certain sensitive state variables through the actions.

Decision Making Sequential Decision Making

Exploring Hierarchy-Aware Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations13 Jul 2018 Chris Cundy, Daniel Filan

We introduce a new generative model for human planning under the Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning (BIRL) framework which takes into account the fact that humans often plan using hierarchical strategies.

BIRL reinforcement-learning +2

Parallelizing Linear Recurrent Neural Nets Over Sequence Length

2 code implementations ICLR 2018 Eric Martin, Chris Cundy

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are widely used to model sequential data but their non-linear dependencies between sequence elements prevent parallelizing training over sequence length.

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