Search Results for author: Chris H. Rycroft

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Flow-driven branching in a frangible porous medium

1 code implementation6 Jul 2020 Nicholas J. Derr, David C. Fronk, Christoph A. Weber, Amala Mahadevan, Chris H. Rycroft, L. Mahadevan

Channel formation and branching is widely seen in physical systems where movement of fluid through a porous structure causes the spatiotemporal evolution of the medium in response to the flow, in turn causing flow pathways to evolve.

Fluid Dynamics Soft Condensed Matter 76S05 (Primary) 92C15 (Secondary)

Area-preserving mapping of 3D ultrasound carotid artery images using density-equalizing reference map

no code implementations9 Dec 2018 Gary P. T. Choi, Bernard Chiu, Chris H. Rycroft

In this work, we propose a novel method called density-equalizing reference map (DERM) for mapping 3D carotid surfaces to a standardized 2D carotid template, with an emphasis on preserving the local geometry of the carotid surface by minimizing the local area distortion.


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