Search Results for author: Chris Hokamp

Found 26 papers, 8 papers with code

GLiREL -- Generalist Model for Zero-Shot Relation Extraction

1 code implementation6 Jan 2025 Jack Boylan, Chris Hokamp, Demian Gholipour Ghalandari

We introduce GLiREL (Generalist Lightweight model for zero-shot Relation Extraction), an efficient architecture and training paradigm for zero-shot relation classification.

 Ranked #1 on Zero-shot Relation Classification on FewRel (Macro F1 metric)

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +3

STAGE: Simplified Text-Attributed Graph Embeddings Using Pre-trained LLMs

1 code implementation10 Jul 2024 Aaron Zolnai-Lucas, Jack Boylan, Chris Hokamp, Parsa Ghaffari

We present Simplified Text-Attributed Graph Embeddings (STAGE), a straightforward yet effective method for enhancing node features in Graph Neural Network (GNN) models that encode Text-Attributed Graphs (TAGs).

Graph Neural Network Node Classification

News Signals: An NLP Library for Text and Time Series

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Chris Hokamp, Demian Gholipour Ghalandari, Parsa Ghaffari

We present an open-source Python library for building and using datasets where inputs are clusters of textual data, and outputs are sequences of real values representing one or more time series signals.

Time Series

A Large-Scale Multi-Document Summarization Dataset from the Wikipedia Current Events Portal

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Demian Gholipour Ghalandari, Chris Hokamp, Nghia The Pham, John Glover, Georgiana Ifrim

Multi-document summarization (MDS) aims to compress the content in large document collections into short summaries and has important applications in story clustering for newsfeeds, presentation of search results, and timeline generation.

Clustering Document Summarization +1

Task Selection Policies for Multitask Learning

no code implementations14 Jul 2019 John Glover, Chris Hokamp

One of the questions that arises when designing models that learn to solve multiple tasks simultaneously is how much of the available training budget should be devoted to each individual task.

counterfactual Natural Language Understanding +1

Evaluating the Supervised and Zero-shot Performance of Multi-lingual Translation Models

no code implementations WS 2019 Chris Hokamp, John Glover, Demian Gholipour

To our knowledge, this is the largest evaluation of multi-lingual translation yet conducted in terms of the total size of the training data we use, and in terms of the diversity of zero-shot translation pairs we evaluate.

Decoder Diversity +2

Off-the-Shelf Unsupervised NMT

no code implementations6 Nov 2018 Chris Hokamp, Sebastian Ruder, John Glover

We frame unsupervised machine translation (MT) in the context of multi-task learning (MTL), combining insights from both directions.

Multi-Task Learning NMT +2

Ensembling Factored Neural Machine Translation Models for Automatic Post-Editing and Quality Estimation

1 code implementation WS 2017 Chris Hokamp

This work presents a novel approach to Automatic Post-Editing (APE) and Word-Level Quality Estimation (QE) using ensembles of specialized Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems.

Automatic Post-Editing NMT +1

Modeling Language Proficiency Using Implicit Feedback

no code implementations LREC 2014 Chris Hokamp, Rada Mihalcea, Peter Schuelke

We describe the results of several experiments with interactive interfaces for native and L2 English students, designed to collect implicit feedback from students as they complete a reading activity.

Reading Comprehension Text Simplification

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