Search Results for author: Christian Bauckhage

Found 40 papers, 10 papers with code

Pointer-Guided Pre-Training: Infusing Large Language Models with Paragraph-Level Contextual Awareness

1 code implementation6 Jun 2024 Lars Hillebrand, Prabhupad Pradhan, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

We introduce "pointer-guided segment ordering" (SO), a novel pre-training technique aimed at enhancing the contextual understanding of paragraph-level text representations in large language models.

Diversity text-classification +1

Controlled Randomness Improves the Performance of Transformer Models

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Tobias Deußer, Cong Zhao, Wolfgang Krämer, David Leonhard, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

During the pre-training step of natural language models, the main objective is to learn a general representation of the pre-training dataset, usually requiring large amounts of textual data to capture the complexity and diversity of natural language.

Diversity named-entity-recognition +3

An Empirical Evaluation of the Rashomon Effect in Explainable Machine Learning

no code implementations27 Jun 2023 Sebastian Müller, Vanessa Toborek, Katharina Beckh, Matthias Jakobs, Christian Bauckhage, Pascal Welke

The Rashomon Effect describes the following phenomenon: for a given dataset there may exist many models with equally good performance but with different solution strategies.

Towards automating Numerical Consistency Checks in Financial Reports

no code implementations11 Nov 2022 Lars Hillebrand, Tobias Deußer, Tim Dilmaghani, Bernd Kliem, Rüdiger Loitz, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

It combines a financial named entity and relation extraction module with a BERT-based filtering and text pair classification component to extract KPIs from unstructured sentences before linking them to synonymous occurrences in the balance sheet and profit & loss statement.

Relation Extraction Text Pair Classification

KPI-EDGAR: A Novel Dataset and Accompanying Metric for Relation Extraction from Financial Documents

1 code implementation17 Oct 2022 Tobias Deußer, Syed Musharraf Ali, Lars Hillebrand, Desiana Nurchalifah, Basil Jacob, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

We introduce KPI-EDGAR, a novel dataset for Joint Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction building on financial reports uploaded to the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system, where the main objective is to extract Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from financial documents and link them to their numerical values and other attributes.

Benchmarking Joint Entity and Relation Extraction +5

Full Kullback-Leibler-Divergence Loss for Hyperparameter-free Label Distribution Learning

no code implementations5 Sep 2022 Maurice Günder, Nico Piatkowski, Christian Bauckhage

The concept of Label Distribution Learning (LDL) is a technique to stabilize classification and regression problems with ambiguous and/or imbalanced labels.

Age Estimation regression

A New Aligned Simple German Corpus

1 code implementation2 Sep 2022 Vanessa Toborek, Moritz Busch, Malte Boßert, Christian Bauckhage, Pascal Welke

"Leichte Sprache", the German counterpart to Simple English, is a regulated language aiming to facilitate complex written language that would otherwise stay inaccessible to different groups of people.


Gradient Flows for L2 Support Vector Machine Training

no code implementations8 Aug 2022 Christian Bauckhage, Helen Schneider, Benjamin Wulff, Rafet Sifa

We explore the merits of training of support vector machines for binary classification by means of solving systems of ordinary differential equations.

Binary Classification

KPI-BERT: A Joint Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Model for Financial Reports

no code implementations3 Aug 2022 Lars Hillebrand, Tobias Deußer, Tim Dilmaghani, Bernd Kliem, Rüdiger Loitz, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

We present KPI-BERT, a system which employs novel methods of named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE) to extract and link key performance indicators (KPIs), e. g. "revenue" or "interest expenses", of companies from real-world German financial documents.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +4

Predict better with less training data using a QNN

no code implementations8 Jun 2022 Barry D. Reese, Marek Kowalik, Christian Metzl, Christian Bauckhage, Eldar Sultanow

Over the past decade, machine learning revolutionized vision-based quality assessment for which convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have now become the standard.

Informed Pre-Training on Prior Knowledge

no code implementations23 May 2022 Laura von Rueden, Sebastian Houben, Kostadin Cvejoski, Christian Bauckhage, Nico Piatkowski

In this paper, we propose a novel informed machine learning approach and suggest to pre-train on prior knowledge.

QUBOs for Sorting Lists and Building Trees

no code implementations15 Mar 2022 Christian Bauckhage, Thore Gerlach, Nico Piatkowski

We show that the fundamental tasks of sorting lists and building search trees or heaps can be modeled as quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems (QUBOs).

Dynamic Review-based Recommenders

no code implementations27 Oct 2021 Kostadin Cvejoski, Ramses J. Sanchez, Christian Bauckhage, Cesar Ojeda

In the present work we leverage the known power of reviews to enhance rating predictions in a way that (i) respects the causality of review generation and (ii) includes, in a bidirectional fashion, the ability of ratings to inform language review models and vice-versa, language representations that help predict ratings end-to-end.

Recommendation Systems Review Generation

Street-Map Based Validation of Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving

no code implementations15 Apr 2021 Laura von Rueden, Tim Wirtz, Fabian Hueger, Jan David Schneider, Nico Piatkowski, Christian Bauckhage

Lastly, we present quantitative results on the Cityscapes dataset indicating that our validation approach can indeed uncover errors in semantic segmentation masks.

Autonomous Driving Position +2

Quantum Circuit Evolution on NISQ Devices

no code implementations23 Dec 2020 Lukas Franken, Bogdan Georgiev, Sascha Mücke, Moritz Wolter, Raoul Heese, Christian Bauckhage, Nico Piatkowski

The results provide intuition on how randomized search heuristics behave on actual quantum hardware and lay out a path for further refinement of evolutionary quantum gate circuits.

Recurrent Point Review Models

1 code implementation10 Dec 2020 Kostadin Cvejoski, Ramses J. Sanchez, Bogdan Georgiev, Christian Bauckhage, Cesar Ojeda

Specifically, we use the dynamic representations of recurrent point process models, which encode the history of how business or service reviews are received in time, to generate instantaneous language models with improved prediction capabilities.

Recommendation Systems

Learning Syllogism with Euler Neural-Networks

no code implementations14 Jul 2020 Tiansi Dong, Chengjiang Li, Christian Bauckhage, Juanzi Li, Stefan Wrobel, Armin B. Cremers

In contrast to traditional neural network, ENN can precisely represent all 24 different structures of Syllogism.

Logical Reasoning

Recurrent Point Processes for Dynamic Review Models

no code implementations9 Dec 2019 Kostadin Cvejoski, Ramses J. Sanchez, Bogdan Georgiev, Jannis Schuecker, Christian Bauckhage, Cesar Ojeda

Recent progress in recommender system research has shown the importance of including temporal representations to improve interpretability and performance.

Point Processes Recommendation Systems

Improving Word Embeddings Using Kernel PCA

no code implementations WS 2019 Vishwani Gupta, Sven Giesselbach, Stefan R{\"u}ping, Christian Bauckhage

Word-based embedding approaches such as Word2Vec capture the meaning of words and relations between them, particularly well when trained with large text collections; however, they fail to do so with small datasets.

Sentence Sentence Classification +2

Recurrent Adversarial Service Times

no code implementations24 Jun 2019 César Ojeda, Kostadin Cvejosky, Ramsés J. Sánchez, Jannis Schuecker, Bogdan Georgiev, Christian Bauckhage

Service system dynamics occur at the interplay between customer behaviour and a service provider's response.

Generative Adversarial Network

Neural Conditional Gradients

no code implementations12 Mar 2018 Patrick Schramowski, Christian Bauckhage, Kristian Kersting

The move from hand-designed to learned optimizers in machine learning has been quite successful for gradient-based and -free optimizers.

Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Binary Clustering

no code implementations17 Jun 2017 Christian Bauckhage, Eduardo Brito, Kostadin Cvejoski, Cesar Ojeda, Rafet Sifa, Stefan Wrobel

Quantum computing for machine learning attracts increasing attention and recent technological developments suggest that especially adiabatic quantum computing may soon be of practical interest.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Clustering

Using Echo State Networks for Cryptography

no code implementations4 Apr 2017 Rajkumar Ramamurthy, Christian Bauckhage, Krisztian Buza, Stefan Wrobel

The key idea is to assume that Alice and Bob share a copy of an echo state network.

k-Means Clustering Is Matrix Factorization

no code implementations23 Dec 2015 Christian Bauckhage

We show that the objective function of conventional k-means clustering can be expressed as the Frobenius norm of the difference of a data matrix and a low rank approximation of that data matrix.


Exploring Human Vision Driven Features for Pedestrian Detection

no code implementations25 Jan 2015 Shanshan Zhang, Christian Bauckhage, Dominik A. Klein, Armin B. Cremers

Motivated by the center-surround mechanism in the human visual attention system, we propose to use average contrast maps for the challenge of pedestrian detection in street scenes due to the observation that pedestrians indeed exhibit discriminative contrast texture.

Pedestrian Detection

Propagation Kernels

1 code implementation13 Oct 2014 Marion Neumann, Roman Garnett, Christian Bauckhage, Kristian Kersting

We introduce propagation kernels, a general graph-kernel framework for efficiently measuring the similarity of structured data.

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