no code implementations • 29 Jul 2021 • Erik Esche, Torben Talis, Joris Weigert, Gerardo Brand-Rihm, Byungjun You, Christian Hoffmann, Jens-Uwe Repke
Continuously operated (bio-)chemical processes increasingly suffer from external disturbances, such as feed fluctuations or changes in market conditions.
no code implementations • 2 Dec 2020 • Oleksiy Troshyn, Christian Hoffmann, Veit Große, Jens Hänisch, Lucas Becker, Rudolf Gross
The wide range of LMO growth parameters and higher $J_\mathrm{c}$ values of DyBCO on LMO compared to DyBCO on homoepi-MgO make this material attractive for its use in manufacturing coated conductors based on ISD-MgO technology.
Superconductivity Materials Science
no code implementations • 21 Mar 2019 • Eike Petersen, Christian Hoffmann, Philipp Rostalski
Factor graphs have recently gained increasing attention as a unified framework for representing and constructing algorithms for signal processing, estimation, and control.