Search Results for author: Christian Hoffmann

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Semi-supervised Learning for Data-driven Soft-sensing of Biological and Chemical Processes

no code implementations29 Jul 2021 Erik Esche, Torben Talis, Joris Weigert, Gerardo Brand-Rihm, Byungjun You, Christian Hoffmann, Jens-Uwe Repke

Continuously operated (bio-)chemical processes increasingly suffer from external disturbances, such as feed fluctuations or changes in market conditions.


$\mathrm{La}_{\mathrm{1-}x} \mathrm{Mn}_{\mathrm{1-}y} \mathrm{O}_{\mathrm{1\pm}δ}$ buffer layers on inclined substrate deposited MgO templates for coated conductors

no code implementations2 Dec 2020 Oleksiy Troshyn, Christian Hoffmann, Veit Große, Jens Hänisch, Lucas Becker, Rudolf Gross

The wide range of LMO growth parameters and higher $J_\mathrm{c}$ values of DyBCO on LMO compared to DyBCO on homoepi-MgO make this material attractive for its use in manufacturing coated conductors based on ISD-MgO technology.

Superconductivity Materials Science

On Approximate Nonlinear Gaussian Message Passing On Factor Graphs

no code implementations21 Mar 2019 Eike Petersen, Christian Hoffmann, Philipp Rostalski

Factor graphs have recently gained increasing attention as a unified framework for representing and constructing algorithms for signal processing, estimation, and control.

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