Search Results for author: Christian J. Steinmetz

Found 13 papers, 9 papers with code

Modeling Analog Dynamic Range Compressors using Deep Learning and State-space Models

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Hanzhi Yin, Gang Cheng, Christian J. Steinmetz, Ruibin Yuan, Richard M. Stern, Roger B. Dannenberg

We describe a novel approach for developing realistic digital models of dynamic range compressors for digital audio production by analyzing their analog prototypes.

Deep Learning State Space Models

ATGNN: Audio Tagging Graph Neural Network

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Shubhr Singh, Christian J. Steinmetz, Emmanouil Benetos, Huy Phan, Dan Stowell

Deep learning models such as CNNs and Transformers have achieved impressive performance for end-to-end audio tagging.

Audio Tagging Graph Neural Network

Modulation Extraction for LFO-driven Audio Effects

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Christopher Mitcheltree, Christian J. Steinmetz, Marco Comunità, Joshua D. Reiss

Low frequency oscillator (LFO) driven audio effects such as phaser, flanger, and chorus, modify an input signal using time-varying filters and delays, resulting in characteristic sweeping or widening effects.

Leveraging Neural Representations for Audio Manipulation

no code implementations10 Apr 2023 Scott H. Hawley, Christian J. Steinmetz

We investigate applying audio manipulations using pretrained neural network-based autoencoders as an alternative to traditional signal processing methods, since the former may provide greater semantic or perceptual organization.


Modelling black-box audio effects with time-varying feature modulation

no code implementations1 Nov 2022 Marco Comunità, Christian J. Steinmetz, Huy Phan, Joshua D. Reiss

Deep learning approaches for black-box modelling of audio effects have shown promise, however, the majority of existing work focuses on nonlinear effects with behaviour on relatively short time-scales, such as guitar amplifiers and distortion.

Steerable discovery of neural audio effects

1 code implementation6 Dec 2021 Christian J. Steinmetz, Joshua D. Reiss

Applications of deep learning for audio effects often focus on modeling analog effects or learning to control effects to emulate a trained audio engineer.

Deep Learning

Direct design of biquad filter cascades with deep learning by sampling random polynomials

1 code implementation7 Oct 2021 Joseph T. Colonel, Christian J. Steinmetz, Marcus Michelen, Joshua D. Reiss

In this work, we address some of these limitations by learning a direct mapping from the target magnitude response to the filter coefficient space with a neural network trained on millions of random filters.

WaveBeat: End-to-end beat and downbeat tracking in the time domain

1 code implementation4 Oct 2021 Christian J. Steinmetz, Joshua D. Reiss

In this work, we propose WaveBeat, an end-to-end approach for joint beat and downbeat tracking operating directly on waveforms.

Data Augmentation Downbeat Tracking

Filtered Noise Shaping for Time Domain Room Impulse Response Estimation From Reverberant Speech

1 code implementation15 Jul 2021 Christian J. Steinmetz, Vamsi Krishna Ithapu, Paul Calamia

Deep learning approaches have emerged that aim to transform an audio signal so that it sounds as if it was recorded in the same room as a reference recording, with applications both in audio post-production and augmented reality.

Decoder Room Impulse Response (RIR)

Efficient neural networks for real-time modeling of analog dynamic range compression

1 code implementation11 Feb 2021 Christian J. Steinmetz, Joshua D. Reiss

Deep learning approaches have demonstrated success in modeling analog audio effects.

Automatic multitrack mixing with a differentiable mixing console of neural audio effects

1 code implementation20 Oct 2020 Christian J. Steinmetz, Jordi Pons, Santiago Pascual, Joan Serrà

Applications of deep learning to automatic multitrack mixing are largely unexplored.

Audio and Speech Processing Sound

Randomized Overdrive Neural Networks

2 code implementations8 Oct 2020 Christian J. Steinmetz, Joshua D. Reiss

By processing audio signals in the time-domain with randomly weighted temporal convolutional networks (TCNs), we uncover a wide range of novel, yet controllable overdrive effects.

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