Search Results for author: Christian Koke

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

HoloNets: Spectral Convolutions do extend to Directed Graphs

1 code implementation3 Oct 2023 Christian Koke, Daniel Cremers

Within the graph learning community, conventional wisdom dictates that spectral convolutional networks may only be deployed on undirected graphs: Only there could the existence of a well-defined graph Fourier transform be guaranteed, so that information may be translated between spatial- and spectral domains.

Graph Learning Node Classification

ResolvNet: A Graph Convolutional Network with multi-scale Consistency

no code implementations30 Sep 2023 Christian Koke, Abhishek Saroha, Yuesong Shen, Marvin Eisenberger, Daniel Cremers

To remedy these shortcomings, we introduce ResolvNet, a flexible graph neural network based on the mathematical concept of resolvents.

Graph Learning Graph Neural Network

Graph Scattering beyond Wavelet Shackles

no code implementations26 Jan 2023 Christian Koke, Gitta Kutyniok

This work develops a flexible and mathematically sound framework for the design and analysis of graph scattering networks with variable branching ratios and generic functional calculus filters.

Graph Classification

Limitless stability for Graph Convolutional Networks

no code implementations26 Jan 2023 Christian Koke

Stability to node-level perturbations is related to an 'adequate (spectral) covering' property of the filters in each layer.

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