Search Results for author: Christian Nelson

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

A Measurement-Based Spatially Consistent Channel Model for Distributed MIMO in Industrial Environments

no code implementations17 Dec 2024 Christian Nelson, Sara Willhammar, Fredrik Tufvesson

Based on the results, a channel model for D-MIMO in industrial environments is presented together with a recipe for its implementation.

A Wideband Distributed Massive MIMO Channel Sounder for Communication and Sensing

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Xuhong LI, Xuesong Cai, Fredrik Tufvesson, Anders J Johansson

The results demonstrate the great potential of the presented sounding system for providing high-quality radio channel measurements, contributing to high-resolution channel estimation, characterization, and active and passive sensing in realistic and dynamic scenarios.


An Open Dataset Storage Standard for 6G Testbeds

no code implementations5 Nov 2023 Gilles Callebaut, Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Thomas Wilding, Daan Delabie, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, William Tärneberg, Emma Fitzgerald, Anders J. Johansson, Liesbet Van der Perre

In summary, DSS offers a comprehensive and flexible framework for enhancing the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) in 6G testbeds, promoting open and efficient data sharing in the research community.

Ultrawideband USRP-Based Channel Sounding Utilizing the RFNoC Framework

no code implementations26 Sep 2022 Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Anders J Johansson

Compared to other USRP-based channel sounders, our design is versatile, eases the requirements on the data link between the USRPs and the host, limits the measurement data size, and increases the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio due to averaging.

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