Search Results for author: Christian Poellabauer

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

Medication Error Detection Using Contextual Language Models

no code implementations9 Jan 2022 Yu Jiang, Christian Poellabauer

Medication errors most commonly occur at the ordering or prescribing stage, potentially leading to medical complications and poor health outcomes.

Detecting Replay Attacks Using Multi-Channel Audio: A Neural Network-Based Method

2 code implementations18 Mar 2020 Yuan Gong, Jian Yang, Christian Poellabauer

With the rapidly growing number of security-sensitive systems that use voice as the primary input, it becomes increasingly important to address these systems' potential vulnerability to replay attacks.

Second-order Non-local Attention Networks for Person Re-identification

no code implementations31 Aug 2019 Bryan, Xia, Yuan Gong, Yizhe Zhang, Christian Poellabauer

Recent efforts have shown promising results for person re-identification by designing part-based architectures to allow a neural network to learn discriminative representations from semantically coherent parts.

Person Re-Identification

Heterogeneous network approach to predict individuals' mental health

no code implementations11 Jun 2019 Shikang Liu, Fatemeh Vahedian, David Hachen, Omar Lizardo, Christian Poellabauer, Aaron Striegel, Tijana Milenkovic

To identify individuals who are vulnerable to depression and anxiety, predictive models have been built that typically utilize data from one source.

Node Classification Recommendation Systems +1

Real-Time Adversarial Attacks

1 code implementation31 May 2019 Yuan Gong, Boyang Li, Christian Poellabauer, Yiyu Shi

In recent years, many efforts have demonstrated that modern machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small, but carefully crafted, perturbations on the input can make them fail.

Adversarial Attack BIG-bench Machine Learning

ReMASC: Realistic Replay Attack Corpus for Voice Controlled Systems

2 code implementations6 Apr 2019 Yuan Gong, Jian Yang, Jacob Huber, Mitchell MacKnight, Christian Poellabauer

This paper introduces a new database of voice recordings with the goal of supporting research on vulnerabilities and protection of voice-controlled systems (VCSs).

Voice Anti-spoofing

Topic Modeling Based Multi-modal Depression Detection

no code implementations28 Mar 2018 Yuan Gong, Christian Poellabauer

Major depressive disorder is a common mental disorder that affects almost 7% of the adult U. S. population.

Depression Detection

An Overview of Vulnerabilities of Voice Controlled Systems

no code implementations24 Mar 2018 Yuan Gong, Christian Poellabauer

These systems have been shown to be vulnerable to various types of voice spoofing attacks.

General Classification

How do deep convolutional neural networks learn from raw audio waveforms?

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Yuan Gong, Christian Poellabauer

Prior work on speech and audio processing has demonstrated the ability to obtain excellent performance when learning directly from raw audio waveforms using convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

Crafting Adversarial Examples For Speech Paralinguistics Applications

no code implementations9 Nov 2017 Yuan Gong, Christian Poellabauer

Computational paralinguistic analysis is increasingly being used in a wide range of cyber applications, including security-sensitive applications such as speaker verification, deceptive speech detection, and medical diagnostics.

Medical Diagnosis Speaker Verification

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