Search Results for author: Christian Rollwage

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Low-Complexity Own Voice Reconstruction for Hearables with an In-Ear Microphone

no code implementations6 Sep 2024 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

Hearable devices, equipped with one or more microphones, are commonly used for speech communication.

Data Augmentation

Speech-dependent Data Augmentation for Own Voice Reconstruction with Hearable Microphones in Noisy Environments

no code implementations19 May 2024 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

The proposed techniques use few recorded own voice signals to estimate transfer characteristics and can then be used to simulate a large amount of own voice signals based on single-channel speech signals.

Data Augmentation

Multi-Microphone Noise Data Augmentation for DNN-based Own Voice Reconstruction for Hearables in Noisy Environments

no code implementations14 Dec 2023 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

Recording a sufficient amount of noise required for training such a system is costly since noise transmission between outer and inner microphones varies individually.

Data Augmentation

Modeling of Speech-dependent Own Voice Transfer Characteristics for Hearables with In-ear Microphones

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

In this paper, we propose a speech-dependent model of the own voice transfer characteristics based on phoneme recognition, assuming a linear time-invariant relative transfer function for each phoneme.

Speech-dependent Modeling of Own Voice Transfer Characteristics for In-ear Microphones in Hearables

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

To enhance the quality of the in-ear microphone signal using algorithms aiming at joint bandwidth extension, equalization, and noise reduction, it is desirable to have an accurate model of the own voice transfer characteristics between the entrance of the ear canal and the in-ear microphone.

Bandwidth Extension

Multilingual Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting with Metric Learning and Phoneme-to-Embedding Mapping

no code implementations19 Apr 2023 Paul M. Reuter, Christian Rollwage, Bernd T. Meyer

Our system achieves a promising accuracy for streaming keyword spotting and keyword search on Common Voice audio using just 5 examples per keyword.

Keyword Spotting Metric Learning +1

Speaker-conditioning Single-channel Target Speaker Extraction using Conformer-based Architectures

no code implementations27 May 2022 Ragini Sinha, Marvin Tammen, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

Target speaker extraction aims at extracting the target speaker from a mixture of multiple speakers exploiting auxiliary information about the target speaker.

Target Speaker Extraction

Training Strategies for Own Voice Reconstruction in Hearing Protection Devices using an In-ear Microphone

no code implementations12 May 2022 Mattes Ohlenbusch, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

In this paper, we apply a deep learning-based bandwidth-extension system to the own voice reconstruction task and investigate different training strategies in order to overcome the limited availability of training data.

Bandwidth Extension

Speaker-conditioned Target Speaker Extraction based on Customized LSTM Cells

no code implementations9 Apr 2021 Ragini Sinha, Marvin Tammen, Christian Rollwage, Simon Doclo

In this paper, we focus on a single-channel target speaker extraction system based on a CNN-LSTM separator network and a speaker embedder network requiring reference speech of the target speaker.

Target Speaker Extraction

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