Search Results for author: Christine H. Chen

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

Sequencing Silicates in the IRS Debris Disk Catalog I: Methodology for Unsupervised Clustering

no code implementations2 Jan 2025 Cicero X. Lu, Tushar Mittal, Christine H. Chen, Alexis Y. Li, Kadin Worthen, B. A. Sargent, Carey M. Lisse, G. C. Sloan, Dean C. Hines, Dan M. Watson, Isabel Rebollido, Bin B. Ren, Joel D. Green

Debris disks, which consist of dust, planetesimals, planets, and gas, offer a unique window into the mineralogical composition of their parent bodies, especially during the critical phase of terrestrial planet formation spanning 10 to a few hundred million years.

Clustering Diversity +1

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