no code implementations • LREC 2022 • Abhidip Bhattacharyya, Cecilia Mauceri, Martha Palmer, Christoffer Heckman
As vision processing and natural language processing continue to advance, there is increasing interest in multimodal applications, such as image retrieval, caption generation, and human-robot interaction.
no code implementations • 27 Jun 2023 • Eugene R. Rush, Christoffer Heckman, Kaushik Jayaram, J. Sean Humbert
Recurrent neural network-based reinforcement learning systems are capable of complex motor control tasks such as locomotion and manipulation, however, much of their underlying mechanisms still remain difficult to interpret.
1 code implementation • 25 Apr 2023 • Harel Biggie, Andrew Beathard, Christoffer Heckman
Typical algorithms for point cloud registration such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) require a favorable initial transform estimate between two point clouds in order to perform a successful registration.
1 code implementation • 21 Aug 2021 • Zhaozhong Chen, Christoffer Heckman, Simon Julier, Nisar Ahmed
First, in theory, many of these measures do not guarantee a unique solution due to observability issues.
no code implementations • 1 Nov 2020 • Mike Kasper, Fernando Nobre, Christoffer Heckman, Nima Keivan
Training networks to perform metric relocalization traditionally requires accurate image correspondences.
no code implementations • 3 Aug 2020 • Joewie J. Koh, Guohui Ding, Christoffer Heckman, Lijun Chen, Alessandro Roncone
Multi-robot cooperation requires agents to make decisions that are consistent with the shared goal without disregarding action-specific preferences that might arise from asymmetry in capabilities and individual objectives.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Mary Martin, Cecilia Mauceri, Martha Palmer, Christoffer Heckman
Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs), a syntax-free representation of phrase semantics are useful for capturing the meaning of a phrase and reflecting the relationship between concepts that are referred to.
no code implementations • 21 Mar 2020 • Guohui Ding, Joewie J. Koh, Kelly Merckaert, Bram Vanderborght, Marco M. Nicotra, Christoffer Heckman, Alessandro Roncone, Lijun Chen
We consider solving a cooperative multi-robot object manipulation task using reinforcement learning (RL).
no code implementations • 23 Jul 2018 • Zhaozhong Chen, Christoffer Heckman, Simon Julier, Nisar Ahmed
Kalman filters are routinely used for many data fusion applications including navigation, tracking, and simultaneous localization and mapping problems.
Bayesian Optimization Simultaneous Localization and Mapping +1
no code implementations • 7 Nov 2017 • John Stechschulte, Christoffer Heckman
When registering point clouds resolved from an underlying 2-D pixel structure, such as those resulting from structured light and flash LiDAR sensors, or stereo reconstruction, it is expected that some points in one cloud do not have corresponding points in the other cloud, and that these would occur together, such as along an edge of the depth map.
no code implementations • 15 Jan 2017 • Mike Kasper, Nima Keivan, Gabe Sibley, Christoffer Heckman
We present a novel algorithm for light source estimation in scenes reconstructed with a RGB-D camera based on an analytically-derived formulation of path-tracing.