Search Results for author: Christoforos Somarakis

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Delay-Induced Watermarking for Detection of Replay Attacks in Linear Systems

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Christoforos Somarakis, Raman Goyal, Erfaun Noorani, Shantanu Rane

A state-feedback watermarking signal design for the detection of replay attacks in linear systems is proposed.

Risk of Cascading Collisions in Network of Vehicles with Delayed Communication

no code implementations28 Dec 2023 Guangyi Liu, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee

This paper establishes and explores a framework to analyze the risk of cascading failures in a platoon of autonomous vehicles, accounting for communication time-delays and input uncertainty.

Autonomous Vehicles

Cascading Waves of Fluctuation in Time-delay Multi-agent Rendezvous

no code implementations15 Mar 2023 Guangyi Liu, Vivek Pandey, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee

We develop a framework to assess the risk of cascading failures when a team of agents aims to rendezvous in time in the presence of exogenous noise and communication time-delay.

Co-Design of Watermarking and Robust Control for Security in Cyber-Physical Systems

no code implementations13 Sep 2022 Raman Goyal, Christoforos Somarakis, Erfaun Noorani, Shantanu Rane

This work discusses a novel framework for simultaneous synthesis of optimal watermarking signal and robust controllers in cyber-physical systems to minimize the loss in performance due to added watermarking signal and to maximize the detection rate of the attack.

Risk of Phase Incoherence in Wide Area Control of Synchronous Power Networks

no code implementations29 Dec 2021 Christoforos Somarakis, Guangyi Liu, Nader Motee

We develop a framework to quantify systemic risk measures in a class of Wide-Area-Control (WAC) laws in power networks in the presence of noisy and time-delayed sensory data.

Emergence of Cascading Risk and Role of Spatial Locations of Collisions in Time-Delayed Platoon of Vehicles

no code implementations29 Dec 2021 Guangyi Liu, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee

We develop a framework to assess the risk of cascading collisions in a platoon of vehicles in the presence of exogenous noise and communication time-delay.

Autonomous Vehicles

Risk of Cascading Failures in Time-Delayed Vehicle Platooning

no code implementations5 Sep 2021 Guangyi Liu, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee

We develop a systemic risk framework to explore cascading systemic failures in networked control systems.

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