Search Results for author: Christophe Moser

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Optical Diffusion Models for Image Generation

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 Ilker Oguz, Niyazi Ulas Dinc, Mustafa Yıldırım, Junjie Ke, Innfarn Yoo, Qifei Wang, Feng Yang, Christophe Moser, Demetri Psaltis

Diffusion models generate new samples by progressively decreasing the noise from the initially provided random distribution.

Denoising Image Generation

Nonlinear Processing with Linear Optics

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Mustafa Yıldırım, Niyazi Ulas Dinc, Ilker Oguz, Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser

In this study, we present a novel framework that uses multiple scattering that is capable of synthesizing programmable linear and nonlinear transformations concurrently at low optical power by leveraging the nonlinear relationship between the scattering potential, represented by data, and the scattered field.

Forward-Forward Training of an Optical Neural Network

no code implementations30 May 2023 Ilker Oguz, Junjie Ke, Qifei Wang, Feng Yang, Mustafa Yıldırım, Niyazi Ulas Dinc, Jih-Liang Hsieh, Christophe Moser, Demetri Psaltis

Neural networks (NN) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in various tasks, but their computation-intensive nature demands faster and more energy-efficient hardware implementations.

Nonlinear Optical Data Transformer for Machine Learning

no code implementations19 Aug 2022 Mustafa Yıldırım, Ilker Oguz, Fabian Kaufmann, Marc Reig Escale, Rachel Grange, Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser

A dataset is encoded digitally on the spectrum of a femtosecond pulse which is then launched in the waveguide.

Variational framework for partially-measured physical system control: examples of vision neuroscience and optical random media

no code implementations25 Oct 2021 Babak Rahmani, Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser

To characterize a physical system to behave as desired, either its underlying governing rules must be known a priori or the system itself be accurately measured.

Competing Neural Networks for Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems

1 code implementation29 Jun 2019 Babak Rahmani, Damien Loterie, Eirini Kakkava, Navid Borhani, Uğur Teğin, Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser

The output of physical systems is often accessible by measurements such as the 3D position of a robotic arm actuated by many actuators or the speckle patterns formed by shining the spot of a laser pointer on a wall.

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