Search Results for author: Christopher Thornton

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

More variable circadian rhythms in epilepsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study using long-term heart rate recordings from wearable sensors

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Billy C. Smith, Christopher Thornton, Rachel E. Stirling, Guillermo M. Besne, Peter N. Taylor, Philippa J. Karoly, Yujiang Wang

Interpretation: This finding indicates that the circadian rhythm of heart rate is more variable for people with epilepsy and that this can be detected using a wearable device.

Unsupervised Machine Learning Identifies Latent Ultradian States in Multi-Modal Wearable Sensor Signals

no code implementations6 May 2024 Christopher Thornton, Billy C. Smith, Guillermo M. Besne, Bethany Little, Yujiang Wang

Wearable sensors such as smartwatches have become ubiquitous in recent years, allowing the easy and continual measurement of physiological parameters such as heart rate, physical activity, body temperature, and blood glucose in an every-day setting.

Diminished circadian and ultradian rhythms of human brain activity in pathological tissue in vivo

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Christopher Thornton, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, John S Duncan, Sarah J Gascoigne, Guillermo Besne, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Billy C Smith, Jane de Tisi, Peter N Taylor, Yujiang Wang

Chronobiological rhythms, such as the circadian rhythm, have long been linked to neurological disorders, but it is currently unknown how pathological processes affect the expression of biological rhythms in the brain.


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