Search Results for author: Chuanwei Zhou

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

SGNet: Salient Geometric Network for Point Cloud Registration

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Qianliang Wu, Yaqing Ding, Lei Luo, Haobo Jiang, Shuo Gu, Chuanwei Zhou, Jin Xie, Jian Yang

These high-order features are then propagated to dense points and utilized by a Sinkhorn matching module to identify key correspondences for successful registration.

Point Cloud Registration

Structure-Sensitive Graph Dictionary Embedding for Graph Classification

no code implementations18 Jun 2023 Guangbu Liu, Tong Zhang, Xudong Wang, Wenting Zhao, Chuanwei Zhou, Zhen Cui

Instead of a plain use of a base graph dictionary, we propose the variational graph dictionary adaptation (VGDA) to generate a personalized dictionary (named adapted graph dictionary) for catering to each input graph.

Graph Classification Variational Inference

Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Inference

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Jingshan Xu, Chuanwei Zhou, Zhen Cui, Chunyan Xu, Yuge Huang, Pengcheng Shen, Shaoxin Li, Jian Yang

In this paper, we propose a progressive segmentation inference (PSI) framework to tackle with scribble-supervised semantic segmentation.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Localizing Anomalies from Weakly-Labeled Videos

1 code implementation20 Aug 2020 Hui Lv, Chuanwei Zhou, Chunyan Xu, Zhen Cui, Jian Yang

In addition, in order to fully utilize the spatial context information, the immediate semantics are directly derived from the segment representations.

Anomaly Detection In Surveillance Videos Anomaly Localization +1

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