no code implementations • 1 Aug 2022 • Yuanyuan Liu, Wei Dai, Chuanxu Feng, Wenbin Wang, Guanghao Yin, Jiabei Zeng, Shiguang Shan
To the best of our knowledge, MAFW is the first in-the-wild multi-modal database annotated with compound emotion annotations and emotion-related captions.
Ranked #12 on Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition on MAFW
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition +1
1 code implementation • Information Sciences 2022 • Yuanyuan Liu, Chuanxu Feng, Xiaohui Yuan, Lin Zhou, Wenbin Wang, Jie Qin, and Zhongwen Luo
In this paper, we divide a video into several short clips for processing and propose a clip-aware emotion-rich feature learning network (CEFLNet) for robust video-based FER.
Ranked #20 on Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition on DFEW
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition +1
no code implementations • 17 Sep 2021 • Yuanyuan Liu, Wenbin Wang, Chuanxu Feng, Haoyu Zhang, Zhe Chen, Yibing Zhan
To this end, we propose to decompose each video into a series of expression snippets, each of which contains a small number of facial movements, and attempt to augment the Transformer's ability for modeling intra-snippet and inter-snippet visual relations, respectively, obtaining the Expression snippet Transformer (EST).
Ranked #18 on Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition on DFEW
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition +1