Search Results for author: Chunan Shi

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Clover: Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding with Sequential Knowledge

1 code implementation1 May 2024 Bin Xiao, Chunan Shi, Xiaonan Nie, Fan Yang, Xiangwei Deng, Lei Su, WeiPeng Chen, Bin Cui

Consequently, the GPU spends most of its time on memory transfer instead of computation.

SpotServe: Serving Generative Large Language Models on Preemptible Instances

1 code implementation27 Nov 2023 Xupeng Miao, Chunan Shi, Jiangfei Duan, Xiaoli Xi, Dahua Lin, Bin Cui, Zhihao Jia

This paper aims to reduce the monetary cost for serving LLMs by leveraging preemptible GPU instances on modern clouds, which offer accesses to spare GPUs at a much cheaper price than regular instances but may be preempted by the cloud at any time.

Graph Matching

SpecInfer: Accelerating Generative Large Language Model Serving with Tree-based Speculative Inference and Verification

3 code implementations16 May 2023 Xupeng Miao, Gabriele Oliaro, Zhihao Zhang, Xinhao Cheng, Zeyu Wang, Zhengxin Zhang, Rae Ying Yee Wong, Alan Zhu, Lijie Yang, Xiaoxiang Shi, Chunan Shi, Zhuoming Chen, Daiyaan Arfeen, Reyna Abhyankar, Zhihao Jia

Our evaluation shows that SpecInfer outperforms existing LLM serving systems by 1. 5-2. 8x for distributed LLM inference and by 2. 6-3. 5x for offloading-based LLM inference, while preserving the same generative performance.

Decoder Language Modelling +1

Galvatron: Efficient Transformer Training over Multiple GPUs Using Automatic Parallelism

2 code implementations25 Nov 2022 Xupeng Miao, Yujie Wang, Youhe Jiang, Chunan Shi, Xiaonan Nie, Hailin Zhang, Bin Cui

Transformer models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various domains of applications and gradually becomes the foundations of the advanced large deep learning (DL) models.

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