Search Results for author: Chunming Wu

Found 20 papers, 4 papers with code

Self-Supervised Interest Transfer Network via Prototypical Contrastive Learning for Recommendation

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Guoqiang Sun, Yibin Shen, Sijin Zhou, Xiang Chen, Hongyan Liu, Chunming Wu, Chenyi Lei, Xianhui Wei, Fei Fang

In this paper, we propose a cross-domain recommendation method: Self-supervised Interest Transfer Network (SITN), which can effectively transfer invariant knowledge between domains via prototypical contrastive learning.

Contrastive Learning

Towards the Desirable Decision Boundary by Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training

no code implementations16 Jul 2022 Xiaoyu Liang, Yaguan Qian, Jianchang Huang, Xiang Ling, Bin Wang, Chunming Wu, Wassim Swaileh

Adversarial training, as one of the most effective defense methods against adversarial attacks, tends to learn an inclusive decision boundary to increase the robustness of deep learning models.

Treating Crowdsourcing as Examination: How to Score Tasks and Online Workers?

no code implementations26 Apr 2022 Guangyang Han, Sufang Li, Runmin Wang, Chunming Wu

Thus, we first score workers' ability mainly on the medium difficult tasks, then reducing the weight of answers from sloppy workers and modifying the answers from spammers when inferring the tasks' ground truth.

Adversarial Attacks against Windows PE Malware Detection: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art

1 code implementation23 Dec 2021 Xiang Ling, Lingfei Wu, Jiangyu Zhang, Zhenqing Qu, Wei Deng, Xiang Chen, Yaguan Qian, Chunming Wu, Shouling Ji, Tianyue Luo, Jingzheng Wu, Yanjun Wu

Then, we conduct a comprehensive and systematic review to categorize the state-of-the-art adversarial attacks against PE malware detection, as well as corresponding defenses to increase the robustness of Windows PE malware detection.

Adversarial Attack Malware Detection +2

Packet-Level Adversarial Network Traffic Crafting using Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations8 Mar 2021 Qiumei Cheng, Shiying Zhou, Yi Shen, Dezhang Kong, Chunming Wu

To bypass the detection of NIDS, the generated network traffic and benign traffic are classified by a black-box NIDS.

Decision Making Image Generation +1 Cryptography and Security

Machine Learning based Malicious Payload Identification in Software-Defined Networking

no code implementations4 Jan 2021 Qiumei Cheng, Chunming Wu, Haifeng Zhou, Dezhang Kong, Dong Zhang, Junchi Xing, Wei Ruan

In this paper, a novel OpenFlow-enabled deep packet inspection (OFDPI) approach is proposed based on the SDN paradigm to provide adaptive and efficient packet inspection.

Networking and Internet Architecture

An Adversarial Attack via Feature Contributive Regions

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yaguan Qian, Jiamin Wang, Xiang Ling, Zhaoquan Gu, Bin Wang, Chunming Wu

Recently, to deal with the vulnerability to generate examples of CNNs, there are many advanced algorithms that have been proposed.

Adversarial Attack

Multi-level Graph Matching Networks for Deep and Robust Graph Similarity Learning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Xiang Ling, Lingfei Wu, Saizhuo Wang, Tengfei Ma, Fangli Xu, Alex X. Liu, Chunming Wu, Shouling Ji

The proposed MGMN model consists of a node-graph matching network for effectively learning cross-level interactions between nodes of a graph and the other whole graph, and a siamese graph neural network to learn global-level interactions between two graphs.

Graph Classification Graph Matching +2

Review: Deep Learning Methods for Cybersecurity and Intrusion Detection Systems

no code implementations4 Dec 2020 Mayra Macas, Chunming Wu

As the number of cyber-attacks is increasing, cybersecurity is evolving to a key concern for any business.

Deep Learning Network Intrusion Detection

Deep Graph Matching and Searching for Semantic Code Retrieval

no code implementations24 Oct 2020 Xiang Ling, Lingfei Wu, Saizhuo Wang, Gaoning Pan, Tengfei Ma, Fangli Xu, Alex X. Liu, Chunming Wu, Shouling Ji

To this end, we first represent both natural language query texts and programming language code snippets with the unified graph-structured data, and then use the proposed graph matching and searching model to retrieve the best matching code snippet.

Graph Matching Retrieval

UNIFUZZ: A Holistic and Pragmatic Metrics-Driven Platform for Evaluating Fuzzers

1 code implementation5 Oct 2020 Yuwei Li, Shouling Ji, Yuan Chen, Sizhuang Liang, Wei-Han Lee, Yueyao Chen, Chenyang Lyu, Chunming Wu, Raheem Beyah, Peng Cheng, Kangjie Lu, Ting Wang

We hope that our findings can shed light on reliable fuzzing evaluation, so that we can discover promising fuzzing primitives to effectively facilitate fuzzer designs in the future.

Cryptography and Security

Multilevel Graph Matching Networks for Deep Graph Similarity Learning

1 code implementation8 Jul 2020 Xiang Ling, Lingfei Wu, Saizhuo Wang, Tengfei Ma, Fangli Xu, Alex X. Liu, Chunming Wu, Shouling Ji

In particular, the proposed MGMN consists of a node-graph matching network for effectively learning cross-level interactions between each node of one graph and the other whole graph, and a siamese graph neural network to learn global-level interactions between two input graphs.

Graph Classification Graph Matching +4

An Unsupervised Framework for Anomaly Detection in a Water Treatment System.

1 code implementation16 Dec 2019 Mayra Macas, Chunming Wu

Current Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are sophisticated, complex, and equipped with networked sensors and actuators.

Anomaly Detection Decoder +1

Generalized Transformation-based Gradient

no code implementations6 Nov 2019 Anbang Wu, Shuangxi Chen, Chunming Wu

The reparameterization trick has become one of the most useful tools in the field of variational inference.

Variational Inference

Hierarchical Graph Matching Networks for Deep Graph Similarity Learning

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Xiang Ling, Lingfei Wu, Saizhuo Wang, Tengfei Ma, Fangli Xu, Chunming Wu, Shouling Ji

The proposed HGMN model consists of a multi-perspective node-graph matching network for effectively learning cross-level interactions between parts of a graph and a whole graph, and a siamese graph neural network for learning global-level interactions between two graphs.

Graph Matching Graph Neural Network +1

Enhanced Cyber-Physical Security through Deep Learning Techniques

no code implementations23 Aug 2019 Mayra Macas, Chunming Wu

Nowadays that various aspects of our lives depend on complex cyber-physical systems, automated anomaly detection, as well as attack prevention and reaction have become of paramount importance and directly affect our security and ultimately our quality of life.

Anomaly Detection Deep Learning +3

V-Fuzz: Vulnerability-Oriented Evolutionary Fuzzing

no code implementations4 Jan 2019 Yuwei Li, Shouling Ji, Chenyang Lv, Yu-An Chen, Jian-hai Chen, Qinchen Gu, Chunming Wu

Given a binary program to V-Fuzz, the vulnerability prediction model will give a prior estimation on which parts of the software are more likely to be vulnerable.

Cryptography and Security

Adversarial Examples Versus Cloud-based Detectors: A Black-box Empirical Study

no code implementations4 Jan 2019 Xurong Li, Shouling Ji, Meng Han, Juntao Ji, Zhenyu Ren, Yushan Liu, Chunming Wu

Through the comprehensive evaluations on five major cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Baidu Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud, we demonstrate that our image processing based attacks can reach a success rate of approximately 100%, and the semantic segmentation based attacks have a success rate over 90% among different detection services, such as violence, politician, and pornography detection.

General Classification Image Classification +2

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