Search Results for author: Chunqiu Xia

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

TRIZ Method for Urban Building Energy Optimization: GWO-SARIMA-LSTM Forecasting model

no code implementations20 Oct 2024 Shirong Zheng, Shaobo Liu, Zhenhong Zhang, Dian Gu, Chunqiu Xia, Huadong Pang, Enock Mintah Ampaw

The main contribution of this research is the development of a robust model that leverages the strengths of TRIZ and advanced deep learning techniques, improving the accuracy of energy consumption predictions.

energy management

Few-Shot Classification with Task-Adaptive Semantic Feature Learning

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Meihong Pan, Chunqiu Xia, Hongyi Xin, Yang Yang, Xiaoyong Pan, Hong-Bin Shen

Such approach could lead to information imbalance between support and query samples, which confounds model generalization from support to query samples.


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