Search Results for author: Chunxi Liu

Found 19 papers, 3 papers with code

Multi-Head State Space Model for Speech Recognition

no code implementations21 May 2023 Yassir Fathullah, Chunyang Wu, Yuan Shangguan, Junteng Jia, Wenhan Xiong, Jay Mahadeokar, Chunxi Liu, Yangyang Shi, Ozlem Kalinli, Mike Seltzer, Mark J. F. Gales

State space models (SSMs) have recently shown promising results on small-scale sequence and language modelling tasks, rivalling and outperforming many attention-based approaches.

Language Modelling speech-recognition +2

Learning a Dual-Mode Speech Recognition Model via Self-Pruning

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Chunxi Liu, Yuan Shangguan, Haichuan Yang, Yangyang Shi, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Ozlem Kalinli

There is growing interest in unifying the streaming and full-context automatic speech recognition (ASR) networks into a single end-to-end ASR model to simplify the model training and deployment for both use cases.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Towards Measuring Fairness in Speech Recognition: Casual Conversations Dataset Transcriptions

no code implementations18 Nov 2021 Chunxi Liu, Michael Picheny, Leda Sari, Pooja Chitkara, Alex Xiao, Xiaohui Zhang, Mark Chou, Andres Alvarado, Caner Hazirbas, Yatharth Saraf

This paper presents initial Speech Recognition results on "Casual Conversations" -- a publicly released 846 hour corpus designed to help researchers evaluate their computer vision and audio models for accuracy across a diverse set of metadata, including age, gender, and skin tone.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Conformer-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Non-Speech Audio Tasks

no code implementations14 Oct 2021 Sangeeta Srivastava, Yun Wang, Andros Tjandra, Anurag Kumar, Chunxi Liu, Kritika Singh, Yatharth Saraf

While self-supervised speech representation learning has been popular in the speech research community, very few works have comprehensively analyzed audio representation learning for non-speech audio tasks.

Audio Classification Representation Learning +2

Benchmarking LF-MMI, CTC and RNN-T Criteria for Streaming ASR

no code implementations9 Nov 2020 Xiaohui Zhang, Frank Zhang, Chunxi Liu, Kjell Schubert, Julian Chan, Pradyot Prakash, Jun Liu, Ching-Feng Yeh, Fuchun Peng, Yatharth Saraf, Geoffrey Zweig

In this work, to measure the accuracy and efficiency for a latency-controlled streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR) application, we perform comprehensive evaluations on three popular training criteria: LF-MMI, CTC and RNN-T.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Improving RNN Transducer Based ASR with Auxiliary Tasks

1 code implementation5 Nov 2020 Chunxi Liu, Frank Zhang, Duc Le, Suyoun Kim, Yatharth Saraf, Geoffrey Zweig

End-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) models with a single neural network have recently demonstrated state-of-the-art results compared to conventional hybrid speech recognizers.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

Faster, Simpler and More Accurate Hybrid ASR Systems Using Wordpieces

no code implementations19 May 2020 Frank Zhang, Yongqiang Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Chunxi Liu, Yatharth Saraf, Geoffrey Zweig

In this work, we first show that on the widely used LibriSpeech benchmark, our transformer-based context-dependent connectionist temporal classification (CTC) system produces state-of-the-art results.

Ranked #20 on Speech Recognition on LibriSpeech test-other (using extra training data)

Speech Recognition

Deja-vu: Double Feature Presentation and Iterated Loss in Deep Transformer Networks

2 code implementations23 Oct 2019 Andros Tjandra, Chunxi Liu, Frank Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Yongqiang Wang, Gabriel Synnaeve, Satoshi Nakamura, Geoffrey Zweig

As our motivation is to allow acoustic models to re-examine their input features in light of partial hypotheses we introduce intermediate model heads and loss function.

Multilingual Graphemic Hybrid ASR with Massive Data Augmentation

no code implementations LREC 2020 Chunxi Liu, Qiaochu Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Kritika Singh, Yatharth Saraf, Geoffrey Zweig

Towards developing high-performing ASR for low-resource languages, approaches to address the lack of resources are to make use of data from multiple languages, and to augment the training data by creating acoustic variations.

Data Augmentation

Low-Resource Contextual Topic Identification on Speech

no code implementations17 Jul 2018 Chunxi Liu, Matthew Wiesner, Shinji Watanabe, Craig Harman, Jan Trmal, Najim Dehak, Sanjeev Khudanpur

In topic identification (topic ID) on real-world unstructured audio, an audio instance of variable topic shifts is first broken into sequential segments, and each segment is independently classified.

General Classification Topic Classification +1

Automatic Speech Recognition and Topic Identification for Almost-Zero-Resource Languages

no code implementations23 Feb 2018 Matthew Wiesner, Chunxi Liu, Lucas Ondel, Craig Harman, Vimal Manohar, Jan Trmal, Zhongqiang Huang, Najim Dehak, Sanjeev Khudanpur

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems often need to be developed for extremely low-resource languages to serve end-uses such as audio content categorization and search.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Topic Identification for Speech without ASR

no code implementations22 Mar 2017 Chunxi Liu, Jan Trmal, Matthew Wiesner, Craig Harman, Sanjeev Khudanpur

Modern topic identification (topic ID) systems for speech use automatic speech recognition (ASR) to produce speech transcripts, and perform supervised classification on such ASR outputs.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

An Empirical Evaluation of Zero Resource Acoustic Unit Discovery

no code implementations5 Feb 2017 Chunxi Liu, Jinyi Yang, Ming Sun, Santosh Kesiraju, Alena Rott, Lucas Ondel, Pegah Ghahremani, Najim Dehak, Lukas Burget, Sanjeev Khudanpur

Acoustic unit discovery (AUD) is a process of automatically identifying a categorical acoustic unit inventory from speech and producing corresponding acoustic unit tokenizations.

Acoustic Unit Discovery

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