Search Results for author: Ci Li

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Dessie: Disentanglement for Articulated 3D Horse Shape and Pose Estimation from Images

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Ci Li, Yi Yang, Zehang Weng, Elin Hernlund, Silvia Zuffi, Hedvig Kjellström

In recent years, 3D parametric animal models have been developed to aid in estimating 3D shape and pose from images and video.

Disentanglement Pose Estimation +2

CLHOP: Combined Audio-Video Learning for Horse 3D Pose and Shape Estimation

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Ci Li, Elin Hernlund, Hedvig Kjellström, Silvia Zuffi

In the monocular setting, predicting 3D pose and shape of animals typically relies solely on visual information, which is highly under-constrained.

Human-Centric Autonomous Systems With LLMs for User Command Reasoning

1 code implementation14 Nov 2023 Yi Yang, Qingwen Zhang, Ci Li, Daniel Simões Marta, Nazre Batool, John Folkesson

The evolution of autonomous driving has made remarkable advancements in recent years, evolving into a tangible reality.

Autonomous Driving Binary Classification

[Re] Reimplementation of FixMatch and Investigation on Noisy (Pseudo) Labels and Confirmation Errors of FixMatch

1 code implementation RC 2020 Ci Li, Ruibo Tu, HUI ZHANG

FixMatch is a semi-supervised learning method, which achieves comparable results with fully supervised learning by leveraging a limited number of labeled data (pseudo labelling technique) and taking a good use of the unlabeled data (consistency regularization ).

Semi-Supervised Image Classification

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