Search Results for author: Cicero dos Santos

Found 9 papers, 5 papers with code

Sobolev Independence Criterion

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Youssef Mroueh, Tom Sercu, Mattia Rigotti, Inkit Padhi, Cicero dos Santos

In the kernel version we show that SIC can be cast as a convex optimization problem by introducing auxiliary variables that play an important role in feature selection as they are normalized feature importance scores.

Feature Importance feature selection

Interactive Visual Exploration of Latent Space (IVELS) for peptide auto-encoder model selection

no code implementations ICLR Workshop DeepGenStruct 2019 Tom Sercu, Sebastian Gehrmann, Hendrik Strobelt, Payel Das, Inkit Padhi, Cicero dos Santos, Kahini Wadhawan, Vijil Chenthamarakshan

We present the pipeline in an interactive visual tool to enable the exploration of the metrics, analysis of the learned latent space, and selection of the best model for a given task.

Model Selection

Wasserstein Barycenter Model Ensembling

1 code implementation13 Feb 2019 Pierre Dognin, Igor Melnyk, Youssef Mroueh, Jerret Ross, Cicero dos Santos, Tom Sercu

In this paper we propose to perform model ensembling in a multiclass or a multilabel learning setting using Wasserstein (W.) barycenters.

Attribute General Classification +3

Attentive Pooling Networks

3 code implementations11 Feb 2016 Cicero dos Santos, Ming Tan, Bing Xiang, Bo-Wen Zhou

In this work, we propose Attentive Pooling (AP), a two-way attention mechanism for discriminative model training.

Answer Selection Representation Learning

LSTM-based Deep Learning Models for Non-factoid Answer Selection

2 code implementations12 Nov 2015 Ming Tan, Cicero dos Santos, Bing Xiang, Bo-Wen Zhou

One direction is to define a more composite representation for questions and answers by combining convolutional neural network with the basic framework.

Answer Selection Deep Learning

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