Search Results for author: Cilin Yan

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Mining Open Semantics from CLIP: A Relation Transition Perspective for Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Cilin Yan, Haochen Wang, XiaoLong Jiang, Yao Hu, Xu Tang, Guoliang Kang, Efstratios Gavves

Specifically, we adopt a transformer module which takes the visual feature as "Query", the text features of the anchors as "Key" and the similarity matrix between the text features of anchor and target classes as "Value".

Few-Shot Learning Relation

1st Place Solution for the 5th LSVOS Challenge: Video Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation28 Aug 2023 Tao Zhang, Xingye Tian, Yikang Zhou, Yu Wu, Shunping Ji, Cilin Yan, Xuebo Wang, Xin Tao, Yuan Zhang, Pengfei Wan

Video instance segmentation is a challenging task that serves as the cornerstone of numerous downstream applications, including video editing and autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Denoising +6

PiClick: Picking the desired mask from multiple candidates in click-based interactive segmentation

1 code implementation23 Apr 2023 Cilin Yan, Haochen Wang, Jie Liu, XiaoLong Jiang, Yao Hu, Xu Tang, Guoliang Kang, Efstratios Gavves

Click-based interactive segmentation aims to generate target masks via human clicking, which facilitates efficient pixel-level annotation and image editing.

Interactive Segmentation Segmentation

Towards Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Haochen Wang, Cilin Yan, Shuai Wang, XiaoLong Jiang, Xu Tang, Yao Hu, Weidi Xie, Efstratios Gavves

Video Instance Segmentation (VIS) aims at segmenting and categorizing objects in videos from a closed set of training categories, lacking the generalization ability to handle novel categories in real-world videos.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +3

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