Search Results for author: Cláudio Gomes

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

The rapid adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) poses challenges for electricity grids to accommodate or mitigate peak demand.


Quantifying and combining uncertainty for improving the behavior of Digital Twin Systems

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Julien Deantoni, Paula Muñoz, Cláudio Gomes, Clark Verbrugge, Rakshit Mittal, Robert Heinrich, Stijn Bellis, Antonio Vallecillo

Uncertainty is an inherent property of any complex system, especially those that integrate physical parts or operate in real environments.

Model-Based Monitoring and State Estimation for Digital Twins: The Kalman Filter

no code implementations29 Apr 2023 Hao Feng, Cláudio Gomes, Peter Gorm Larsen

A digital twin (DT) monitors states of the physical twin (PT) counterpart and provides a number of benefits such as advanced visualizations, fault detection capabilities, and reduced maintenance cost.

Anomaly Detection Fault Detection

Constructing Neural Network-Based Models for Simulating Dynamical Systems

1 code implementation2 Nov 2021 Christian Møldrup Legaard, Thomas Schranz, Gerald Schweiger, Ján Drgoňa, Basak Falay, Cláudio Gomes, Alexandros Iosifidis, Mahdi Abkar, Peter Gorm Larsen

Dynamical systems see widespread use in natural sciences like physics, biology, chemistry, as well as engineering disciplines such as circuit analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and control.

Co-simulation: State of the art

2 code implementations1 Feb 2017 Cláudio Gomes, Casper Thule, David Broman, Peter Gorm Larsen, Hans Vangheluwe

It is essential to find new ways of enabling experts in different disciplines to collaborate more efficient in the development of ever more complex systems, under increasing market pressures.

Systems and Control 65Y10 I.6.1; I.6.7

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