no code implementations • 22 Nov 2016 • Dario Azzimonti, David Ginsbourger, Clément Chevalier, Julien Bect, Yann Richet
The system is modeled by an expensive-to-evaluate function, such as a computer experiment, and we are interested in its excursion set, i. e. the set of points where the function takes values above or below some prescribed threshold.
no code implementations • 9 Sep 2016 • Sébastien Marmin, Clément Chevalier, David Ginsbourger
We deal with the efficient parallelization of Bayesian global optimization algorithms, and more specifically of those based on the expected improvement criterion and its variants.
1 code implementation • 19 Jul 2016 • Didier Rullière, Nicolas Durrande, François Bachoc, Clément Chevalier
This work falls within the context of predicting the value of a real function at some input locations given a limited number of observations of this function.
no code implementations • 18 Mar 2015 • Sébastien Marmin, Clément Chevalier, David Ginsbourger
The computational burden of this selection rule being still an issue in application, we derive a closed-form expression for the gradient of the multipoint Expected Improvement, which aims at facilitating its maximization using gradient-based ascent algorithms.
no code implementations • 15 Jan 2015 • Dario Azzimonti, Julien Bect, Clément Chevalier, David Ginsbourger
In this setting, the posterior distribution on the objective function gives rise to a posterior distribution on excursion sets.