no code implementations • 27 Feb 2024 • Vassilis Papadopoulos, Guilhem Doat, Arthur Renard, Clément Hongler
One key challenge in Artificial Life is designing systems that display an emergence of complex behaviors.
2 code implementations • 30 Jan 2024 • Vassilis Papadopoulos, Jérémie Wenger, Clément Hongler
We study the probabilistic modeling performed by Autoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs) through the angle of time directionality, addressing a question first raised in (Shannon, 1951).
no code implementations • 31 May 2022 • Arthur Jacot, Eugene Golikov, Clément Hongler, Franck Gabriel
This second reformulation allows us to prove a sparsity result for homogeneous DNNs: any local minimum of the $L_{2}$-regularized loss can be achieved with at most $N(N+1)$ neurons in each hidden layer (where $N$ is the size of the training set).
no code implementations • 30 Jun 2021 • Arthur Jacot, François Ged, Berfin Şimşek, Clément Hongler, Franck Gabriel
The dynamics of Deep Linear Networks (DLNs) is dramatically affected by the variance $\sigma^2$ of the parameters at initialization $\theta_0$.
1 code implementation • 25 May 2021 • Berfin Şimşek, François Ged, Arthur Jacot, Francesco Spadaro, Clément Hongler, Wulfram Gerstner, Johanni Brea
For a two-layer overparameterized network of width $ r^*+ h =: m $ we explicitly describe the manifold of global minima: it consists of $ T(r^*, m) $ affine subspaces of dimension at least $ h $ that are connected to one another.
no code implementations • 5 Feb 2021 • Sylvain Carré, Franck Gabriel, Clément Hongler, Gustavo Lacerda, Gloria Capano
We propose a game-theoretic discussion of SPRIG, showing how agents with various types of information interact, leading to a proof tree with an appropriate level of detail and to the invalidation of wrong proofs, and we discuss resilience against various attacks.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2020 • Arthur Jacot, Berfin Şimşek, Francesco Spadaro, Clément Hongler, Franck Gabriel
Under a natural universality assumption (that the KRR moments depend asymptotically on the first two moments of the observations) we capture the mean and variance of the KRR predictor.
no code implementations • ICML 2020 • Arthur Jacot, Berfin Şimşek, Francesco Spadaro, Clément Hongler, Franck Gabriel
We investigate, by means of random matrix theory, the connection between Gaussian RF models and Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR).
no code implementations • ICLR 2020 • Arthur Jacot, Franck Gabriel, Clément Hongler
The dynamics of DNNs during gradient descent is described by the so-called Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK).
no code implementations • 11 Jul 2019 • Arthur Jacot, Franck Gabriel, François Ged, Clément Hongler
Moving the network into the chaotic regime prevents checkerboard patterns; we propose a graph-based parametrization which eliminates border artifacts; finally, we introduce a new layer-dependent learning rate to improve the convergence of DC-NNs.
1 code implementation • 6 Jan 2019 • Mario Geiger, Arthur Jacot, Stefano Spigler, Franck Gabriel, Levent Sagun, Stéphane d'Ascoli, Giulio Biroli, Clément Hongler, Matthieu Wyart
At this threshold, we argue that $\|f_{N}\|$ diverges.
6 code implementations • NeurIPS 2018 • Arthur Jacot, Franck Gabriel, Clément Hongler
While the NTK is random at initialization and varies during training, in the infinite-width limit it converges to an explicit limiting kernel and it stays constant during training.