Search Results for author: Clark Verbrugge

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Quantifying and combining uncertainty for improving the behavior of Digital Twin Systems

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Julien Deantoni, Paula Muñoz, Cláudio Gomes, Clark Verbrugge, Rakshit Mittal, Robert Heinrich, Stijn Bellis, Antonio Vallecillo

Uncertainty is an inherent property of any complex system, especially those that integrate physical parts or operate in real environments.

Tension Space Analysis for Emergent Narrative

no code implementations22 Apr 2020 Ben Kybartas, Clark Verbrugge, Jonathan Lessard

Emergent narratives provide a unique and compelling approach to interactive storytelling through simulation, and have applications in games, narrative generation, and virtual agents.

Offline Grid-Based Coverage path planning for guards in games

no code implementations15 Jan 2020 Wael Al Enezi, Clark Verbrugge

Algorithmic approaches to exhaustive coverage have application in video games, enabling automatic game level exploration.

Generating Paths with WFC

1 code implementation13 Aug 2018 Hugo Scurti, Clark Verbrugge

Motion plans are often randomly generated for minor game NPCs.


Exploration in NetHack With Secret Discovery

no code implementations8 Nov 2017 Jonathan C. Campbell, Clark Verbrugge

Our algorithm is based on the concept of occupancy maps popular in robotics, adapted to encourage efficient discovery of secret access points.


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