Search Results for author: Claudio Paonessa

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Dialect Transfer for Swiss German Speech Translation

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Claudio Paonessa, Yanick Schraner, Jan Deriu, Manuela Hürlimann, Manfred Vogel, Mark Cieliebak

This paper investigates the challenges in building Swiss German speech translation systems, specifically focusing on the impact of dialect diversity and differences between Swiss German and Standard German.

Diversity Translation

Improving Metrics for Speech Translation

no code implementations22 May 2023 Claudio Paonessa, Dominik Frefel, Manfred Vogel

We introduce Parallel Paraphrasing ($\text{Para}_\text{both}$), an augmentation method for translation metrics making use of automatic paraphrasing of both the reference and hypothesis.


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