Search Results for author: Claudio Semini

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

Creating a Segmented Pointcloud of Grapevines by Combining Multiple Viewpoints Through Visual Odometry

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Michael Adlerstein, Angelo Bratta, João Carlos Virgolino Soares, Giovanni Dessy, Miguel Fernandes, Matteo Gatti, Claudio Semini

Grapevine winter pruning is a labor-intensive and repetitive process that significantly influences the quality and quantity of the grape harvest and produced wine of the following season.

Visual Odometry

Dynamics Harmonic Analysis of Robotic Systems: Application in Data-Driven Koopman Modelling

1 code implementation12 Dec 2023 Daniel Ordoñez-Apraez, Vladimir Kostic, Giulio Turrisi, Pietro Novelli, Carlos Mastalli, Claudio Semini, Massimiliano Pontil

We introduce the use of harmonic analysis to decompose the state space of symmetric robotic systems into orthogonal isotypic subspaces.

Kinematically-Decoupled Impedance Control for Fast Object Visual Servoing and Grasping on Quadruped Manipulators

no code implementations10 Jul 2023 Riccardo Parosi, Mattia Risiglione, Darwin G. Caldwell, Claudio Semini, Victor Barasuol

We demonstrate the performance and robustness of the proposed approach with various experiments on our 140 kg HyQReal quadruped robot equipped with a 7-DoF manipulator arm.

Whole-Body Control on Non-holonomic Mobile Manipulation for Grapevine Winter Pruning Automation

no code implementations22 May 2021 Tao Teng, Miguel Fernandes, Matteo Gatti, Stefano Poni, Claudio Semini, Darwin Caldwell, Fei Chen

In this paper, we explore a whole-body motion controller of a robot which is composed of a 2-DoFs non-holonomic wheeled mobile base with a 7-DoFs manipulator (non-holonomic wheeled mobile manipulator, NWMM) This robotic platform is designed to efficiently undertake complex grapevine pruning tasks.

An Efficient Paradigm for Feasibility Guarantees in Legged Locomotion

1 code implementation16 Nov 2020 Abdelrahman Abdallah, Michele Focchi, Romeo Orsolino, Claudio Semini

In this work we propose a general formulation of the improved feasible region that guarantees dynamic balance alongside the satisfaction of both joint-torque and kinematic limits in an efficient manner.

On-line and on-board planning and perception for quadrupedal locomotion

no code implementations7 Apr 2019 Carlos Mastalli, Ioannis Havoutis, Alexander W. Winkler, Darwin G. Caldwell, Claudio Semini

We use a lattice representation together with a set of defined body movement primitives for computing a body action plan.

Motion Planning

Automatic Differentiation of Rigid Body Dynamics for Optimal Control and Estimation

no code implementations12 Sep 2017 Markus Giftthaler, Michael Neunert, Markus Stäuble, Marco Frigerio, Claudio Semini, Jonas Buchli

First, we show a Trajectory Optimization example for the quadrupedal robot HyQ, which employs auto-differentiation on the dynamics including a contact model.


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