Search Results for author: Claus Aranha

Found 19 papers, 12 papers with code

Evolving Benchmark Functions to Compare Evolutionary Algorithms via Genetic Programming

1 code implementation21 Mar 2024 Yifan He, Claus Aranha

In this study, we use Genetic Programming (GP) to compose new optimization benchmark functions.

Evolutionary Algorithms

AbCD: A Component-wise Adjustable Framework for Dynamic Optimization Problems

1 code implementation9 Oct 2023 Alexandre Mascarenhas, Yuri Lavinas, Claus Aranha

Using this framework, we investigate components that were proposed in several popular DOP algorithms.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Multiobjective Evolutionary Component Effect on Algorithm behavior

no code implementations31 Jul 2023 Yuri Lavinas, Marcelo Ladeira, Gabriela Ochoa, Claus Aranha

In terms of decision space behavior, we see a diverse set of the trajectories of the STNs in the analytical artificial problems.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Co-evolving morphology and control of soft robots using a single genome

no code implementations22 Dec 2022 Fabio Tanaka, Claus Aranha

While our approach is more realistic and doesn't require an arbitrary separation of processes during evolution, it also makes the problem more complex because the search space for this single genome becomes larger and any mutation to the genome affects "brain" and the "body" at the same time.

An agent-based approach to procedural city generation incorporating Land Use and Transport Interaction models

no code implementations21 Oct 2022 Luiz Fernando Silva Eugênio dos Santos, Claus Aranha, André Ponce de Leon F de Carvalho

We apply the knowledge of urban settings established with the study of Land Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) models to develop reward functions for an agent-based system capable of planning realistic artificial cities.

Knowledge-Driven Program Synthesis via Adaptive Replacement Mutation and Auto-constructed Subprogram Archives

1 code implementation8 Sep 2022 Yifan He, Claus Aranha, Tetsuya Sakurai

We compare the proposed method with PushGP, as well as a method using subprograms manually extracted by a human.

Program Synthesis

Component-wise Analysis of Automatically Designed Multiobjective Algorithms on Constrained Problems

1 code implementation25 Mar 2022 Yuri Lavinas, Marcelo Ladeira, Gabriela Ochoa, Claus Aranha

This study introduces a new methodology to investigate the effects of the final configuration of an automatically designed algorithm.

Search Trajectories Networks of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms

1 code implementation27 Jan 2022 Yuri Lavinas, Claus Aranha, Gabriela Ochoa

Understanding the search dynamics of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) is still an open problem.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Faster Convergence in Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms Based on Decomposition

1 code implementation21 Dec 2021 Yuri Lavinas, Marcelo Ladeira, Claus Aranha

MOEA/D with Partial Update can mitigate common problems related to population size choice with better convergence speed in most MOPs, as shown by the results of hypervolume and number of unique non-dominated solutions, the anytime performance and Empirical Attainment Function indicates.

MOEA/D with Adaptative Number of Weight Vectors

1 code implementation13 Sep 2021 Yuri Lavinas, Abe Mitsu Teru, Yuta Kobayashi, Claus Aranha

Thus, our adaptive mechanism mitigates problems related to the choice of the number of weight vectors in MOEA/D, increasing the final performance of MOEA/D by filling empty areas of the objective space while avoiding premature stagnation of the search progress.

Exploring Constraint Handling Techniques in Real-world Problems on MOEA/D with Limited Budget of Evaluations

1 code implementation19 Nov 2020 Felipe Vaz, Yuri Lavinas, Claus Aranha, Marcelo Ladeira

Finding good solutions for Multi-objective Optimization (MOPs) Problems is considered a hard problem, especially when considering MOPs with constraints.

Solving Portfolio Optimization Problems Using MOEA/D and Levy Flight

1 code implementation15 Mar 2020 Yifan He, Claus Aranha

Portfolio optimization is a financial task which requires the allocation of capital on a set of financial assets to achieve a better trade-off between return and risk.

Evolutionary Algorithms Portfolio Optimization

MOEA/D with Random Partial Update Strategy

1 code implementation20 Jan 2020 Yuri Lavinas, Claus Aranha, Marcelo Ladeira, Felipe Campelo

Recent studies on resource allocation suggest that some subproblems are more important than others in the context of the MOEA/D, and that focusing on the most relevant ones can consistently improve the performance of that algorithm.

Classification of EEG Signals using Genetic Programming for Feature Construction

no code implementations11 Jun 2019 Icaro Marcelino Miranda, Claus Aranha, Marcelo Ladeira

The analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) waves is of critical importance for the diagnosis of sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and insomnia, besides that, seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches and brain tumors.

Classification Dimensionality Reduction +3

Data Augmentation Using GANs

1 code implementation19 Apr 2019 Fabio Henrique Kiyoiti dos Santos Tanaka, Claus Aranha

In this paper we propose the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to generate artificial training data for machine learning tasks.

Data Augmentation

The MOEADr Package - A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition

2 code implementations18 Jul 2018 Felipe Campelo, Lucas S. Batista, Claus Aranha

We introduce the MOEADr package, which offers many of these variants as instantiations of a component-oriented framework.

Evolutionary Algorithms

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