Search Results for author: Clement Atzberger

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

MAGIC: Modular Auto-encoder for Generalisable Model Inversion with Bias Corrections

1 code implementation29 May 2024 Yihang She, Clement Atzberger, Andrew Blake, Adriano Gualandi, Srinivasan Keshav

Scientists often model physical processes to understand the natural world and uncover the causation behind observations.

Bayesian Inference Decoder

A mixed model approach to drought prediction using artificial neural networks: Case of an operational drought monitoring environment

no code implementations10 Jan 2019 Chrisgone Adede, Robert Oboko, Peter Wagacha, Clement Atzberger

The ANN process itself uses the brute-force approach that automatically partitions the training data into 10 sub-samples, builds the ANN models in these samples and evaluates their performance using multiple metrics.

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