Search Results for author: Colin Troisemaine

Found 7 papers, 7 papers with code

Constructing Variables Using Classifiers as an Aid to Regression: An Empirical Assessment

1 code implementation11 Mar 2024 Colin Troisemaine, Vincent Lemaire

This paper proposes a method for the automatic creation of variables (in the case of regression) that complement the information contained in the initial input vector.


A Practical Approach to Novel Class Discovery in Tabular Data

2 code implementations9 Nov 2023 Colin Troisemaine, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, Stéphane Gosselin, Vincent Lemaire, Sandrine Vaton

In particular, the number of novel classes is usually assumed to be known in advance, and their labels are sometimes used to tune hyperparameters.

Clustering Novel Class Discovery

Novel Class Discovery: an Introduction and Key Concepts

2 code implementations22 Feb 2023 Colin Troisemaine, Vincent Lemaire, Stéphane Gosselin, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, Joachim Flocon-Cholet, Sandrine Vaton

We then give an overview of the different families of approaches, organized by the way they transfer knowledge from the labeled set to the unlabeled set.

Contrastive Learning Novel Class Discovery +1

Découvrir de nouvelles classes dans des données tabulaires

1 code implementation28 Nov 2022 Colin Troisemaine, Joachim Flocon-Cholet, Stéphane Gosselin, Sandrine Vaton, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, Vincent Lemaire

In Novel Class Discovery (NCD), the goal is to find new classes in an unlabeled set given a labeled set of known but different classes.

Multi-Task Learning Novel Class Discovery

Construction de variables a l'aide de classifieurs comme aide a la regression

1 code implementation3 Dec 2021 Colin Troisemaine, Vincent Lemaire

This paper proposes a method for the automatic creation of variables (in the case of regression) that complement the information contained in the initial input vector.


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