Search Results for author: Colleen P. Bailey

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Convergence Analysis of Nonconvex Distributed Stochastic Zeroth-order Coordinate Method

no code implementations24 Mar 2021 Shengjun Zhang, Yunlong Dong, Dong Xie, Lisha Yao, Colleen P. Bailey, Shengli Fu

This paper investigates the stochastic distributed nonconvex optimization problem of minimizing a global cost function formed by the summation of $n$ local cost functions.

Stochastic Optimization

Extremal Region Analysis based Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Defects

no code implementations19 Mar 2020 Zelin Deng, Xiaolong Yan, Shengjun Zhang, Colleen P. Bailey

A maximally stable extreme region (MSER) analysis based convolutional neural network (CNN) for unified defect detection framework is proposed in this paper.

Defect Detection

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